Part 5

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Jayden's Pov:

Shortly after our moment we arrived at our destination, Jenna wouldn't tell me about. And to my surprise, it was McDonalds.

"Omg. You don't know how much i love you Jenna." I said, but didn't realize that the brunette didn't follow me as i got out or that she still sat in the car, shocked.

I brushed it of and waited for her. She eventually got out and joined me, both of us walked to the entrance.

Jenna's Pov: (Surpriseee)

You could say, I was shocked after what Jayden had just said. I just didn't expect it, but then brushed it of as i saw her not really realizing it.

I eventually joined her then and we got inside.
"What do you want Jen?" Jayden asked me, I looked at the menu.
"Uhm, i think will get the Cheeseburger and a Milchshake." I told her with a smile, before pushing my cap in my face so people wouldn't recognize me.

Jayden nodded and told them our orders.
"And i will get the Hamburger, but without cheese and a coke."

As they started doing our order, we sat down in a booth.
"So you don't like cheese or why didn't you order any?" I asked her.

"Yeah i don't like it, no scratch that. I hate it." She chuckled, making me giggle.
"Okay, noted." I said.

"Order 4." Someone from the register said.
"Uhm, i think that's us." Jayden said, looking at the paper they gave us.

Just as i was about to stand i was stopped.
"I get it. Sit back down." She ordered.
"You sure?" I asked. She nodded her head.
"Most definitely."

She got out tablet with the burgers and sat down in front of me. I took my burger and gave Jayden hers.

"Bon Appetit." She said before taking a big bite of her burger.

"Oh my gosh. It's so good." I mumbled with my mouth full. "Yeah, right."

We ate our burgers in mostly silence.
"Hey Jen." I looked at her.
"Open up." I was kinda confused, but then she opened my mouth with her left hand and put with her right a fry in.

I was sure i saw her blush after she did that, but i'm also sure i did the absolute same.
"You wanna catch fries?" I asked her holding one in the air.

"Sure." She nodded her head, opening her mouth. I throw one at her and she catches it perfectly.
"Give me another." I nodded and throw another.

And again she catches it perfectly. She made hands move that she wants another and again I throw it.
"How the hell?!", "Why are you so good at this." I asked her.

She just shrugged her shoulders, looking at me with a smile.
"Tell me something about you." I told her. She smiled at me, thinking about what to say.

"What do you want to know?" She asked.
"Everything." I grinned, she looked shocked.
"But let's start you have siblings?"

LOVE?  (Jenna Ortega x OC)Where stories live. Discover now