Part 4

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Jayden's Pov:

After what felt like hours, Georgie and Emma are finally finished with their make up and the whole costume stuff.

So filming can get started. We are already on set and Geor allowed me to sit in his chair as he is filming, which he is right know. It was a scene with just him and Emma, i don't know where the others all are, but i also don't really care much since it's to incredible watching how a series is made.

'Aaand....Action' Someone said and all the stuff did what they needed to do. I was so in it that i didn't even see a figure coming up to me and sitting down beside me.

"Hey." I heard and turned my head towards the sound. There was the small latina sitting.

"Hey Jenna." I greeted her happily, again.
"What's up?" I asked her.

"Oh i don't know, like the sky? birds? the sun?" She joked.

"Oh haha, very funny." I sarcastically said. She just laughed.
"I know. But i have a break right know, wanna come and get something to eat with me?" She asked me.

That got me somehow nervous.
"Yeah! Of course." I said standing up.
"Just need to text Georgie real quick."
She nodded.

Me :
Hey yo, heading
to get something to eat
with jenna .
So don't worry✌️🤙


"Okay, i texted him. Let's go." I smiled at her.
"Yay." She said, grabbing my hand.

We went outside the studio and to her trailer, so she could get her phone and some other stuff.

"Hey." Jenna said, causing me to turn to her.

"Your here with your bike?" She asked, with a hopeful look.
"Nah. Sorry, but Georgie drove me here today." I said, shaking my head.

"Aww, damn. That's sad." She frowned.
"Yep, but i promise next time i will bring it and we two can go on a drive. When your up to it?" I suggested her.

She nodded her head. "Definitely. 100 Percent."

"Okaayyy." I chuckled.
"Anyways, let's go now."

"Alright. Are we taking your car?" I asked her as she, again, dragged me outside.

And again she nodded her head, "Yep"
"Will you tell me were we're going or do I have to guess?" I looked at her.

"Hmm...let me think." She smirked.
"You have to guess."

I playfully rolled my eyes. After walking across the whole parking lot, we finally got to her car. It was a black Audi.

"Nice car." I said.
"Thanks." She opened the car and we both got inside. She obviously in the driver's seat and me in the passenger seat.

We started to move from the parking lot, down the street. I looked out my window, with music playing in the background. At first we sat in silence, but it wasn't a awkward silence, more of an comforting silence.

But the silence was broken when Jenna started talking.
"How was work?"

"Ah, it was good. You know same as always, but this time without a table full of celebrities." I joked and Jenna started to laugh.

"Oh what. I thought different." She joked with me, still laughing, but this time i joined her.

"How was starting filming?" I asked her in return.
"Oh you know same as always." She copied me, giggling.

"Wow what." I answered laughing.
"Yeah right?" She said.

"But you know what i wondered the whole time?" She said, looking shortly at me, before looking back at the rode.

I looked at her, with a question look.
"No?" I let out a nervous chuckle.
"What do you do, beside working as a waitress."

"Oh a-ahm, I'm going to college. You know, working in a restaurant is just a part time job, but still i like it." I answered her with a smile.

"Interesting...What do you study?" She asked me, sounding genuinely interested.
"U-Uhm, Music and Business." I told her talking quietly, but neither the less she heard me.

"No way! That's so cool." She exclaimed, with a smile. Just looking at her smile, i couldn't help, but smile too.

"Y-You could say that." I chuckled nervously, scratching my head. But Jenna noticed it, of course.
"Hey. You okay?" She put her right hand that was on the steering wheel on my lap, where my hands laid.

"Y-Yep, just never told anyone beside Georgie, of course." I looked down where my hand laid, Jenna slowly intertwined our hands. I smiled softly, before looking up again.

"Why is that?" She asked with a smile.
"First, because no one really asked. Second, no there really isn't a second." I said, chuckling.

"Oh." Jenna just said. "Anyways, like do you really sing and play like guitar, all that stuff?" She asked me with a grin. I nodded.

"Yeah, some stuff like that." I nervously answered.
"Oh come on! Tell me more, and please don't be nervous."

"W-Well, it's hard when i'm sitting in a car with my fucking celebrity cr-...oh shit. No forget that." I stuttered, blushing furiously.

"What! What did you just say?" She started teasing me, laughing.

"N-Nothing, please forget that." I begged her.
"Okay okay." She said defensive. There was a moment of silence, i tried to calm myself down so she wouldn't see my tomato face.

"Sooo... I'm your celebrity crush?" She teased again, smirking.
"Noooooo....stopppp. I embarrassed myself enough." I said hiding my face in my hand.

"Noo, don't hide your beautiful face." We were standing at a red light, so she had time to pull my hands from my face with both of her hands. I tried to resist her, but eventually i gave up and she held both of my hands in hers.

Just then i noticed, how she was leaning like really close to me.


I didn't know what we were doing or whatever that was, but it got rudely interrupted by a car from behind us. We both jumped up and Jenna started to drive.

Damn. What was that.


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