Part 6

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She is gone


Jayden's Pov:

It went around 2 hours, after Jenna and me came back to film. I sat for the most time in Georgies chair, since all of them were filming for 2 hours straight.

In between takes they came over to me and we all talked or played some Uno in one of the trailers. Even though it's only my first time here, they're already treat me like i'm one of them.

"UNO UNO!!" I screamed, jumping up from my chair and pumping my fist in the air.
All of them looked at me with a shocked expression.
"What, How?!" Joy said, smashing her cards on the table.

I smirked while shrugging my shoulders.
"Guess i'm just good."

She playfully rolled her eyes.
"All right, Georgie it's your job to hand the cards out now." Emma said putting all of the cards in front of him. He groaned, while we just laughed.

But that laughing quiet down once a phone ringed pretty loud. Wait. No, that's my phone.

They all looked at me.
"Sorry." I said standing up, picking my phone from my pocket.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Jayden, it's me Eve from the nursing home." She said.

"Oh hey Eve, everything alright?" I asked, looking at Georgie with a worried expression. Once he heard me say her name, his head shot immediately up. He knew my moms nurse, since i talked with him about it.

", not really." She said, her voice slightly breaking. She stopped for a moment before continuing.

"Hun... i think it's time."

"W-W-What?!..." I sobbed quietly. By now nearly everyone looked at me worriedly. Georgie jumped to his feet, coming to me and putting his arms on my shoulders, trying to listen.

"I'm sorry, but i think it's best that you come here." She said, before ending the call.

My arm with the phone in the hand sank slowly down and against my sides, while i tried to not cry. Georgie of course saw the tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?!" He shouted. I tried to find the words. I opened my mouth a few times, but nothing came out. The rest still looked shocked, not knowing what's wrong. Hell, they don't even know anything that happened with my mom.

"JAYDEN!...." I slowly lifted my head with extremely teary eyes.
"It's...time, Geor. I-I need to go." I stumbled out of his arms, looking for my stuff laying around here.

He stood there shocked.
"Time?" I just nodded my head.

He nodded, now tears slowly forming in his eyes.
"I-I need to go there, fast." I said, opening the door.

"Hey! Wait!" He shouted.
"I will come with you."

I didn't answer him and just ran to his car as fast as i could.
I could hear the others asking Georgie what's wrong, before i saw him running behind me.

LOVE?  (Jenna Ortega x OC)Where stories live. Discover now