Part 3

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Run in


Jayden's Pov:

It's been a week since i went with the 'Wednesday' Cast to the bar. Life has been hard, my mom just got sicker these past days and it gets me really scared. I did not much, besides working, studying and visiting mom.

Talking about my mom, i'm with her right now, in the nursing home. Well she mostly sleeps and i'm just sitting beside her holding her hand and watching some random romance movie on the little TV she has in her room.

"Hey, sorry to bother, but visiting time is over." My moms nurse said.
"Oh. Already?" I said. She nodded, "Yeah, sorry Jayden."

"Nah, it's alright." I stood up going out, but not before kissing my mom a goodbye on her forehead.
"Well, see you tomorrow Eve." I said waving her, as she checked on my mom.

"Goodnight, till tomorrow." She said, waving as well.

As i got out i saw Georgie standing with his back leaned against his car, arms crossed.
"Geor? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Ah. You know, just decided to come pick you up to hang out." He said coming towards me.
"Sounds good." I said to him.

"How is she?" He asked with a sad tone. With that tears started to form in my eyes. He noticed.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, hugging me tightly.

"You should come with me, visit her sometimes.....she misses you." He nodded.
"Tell me when and i'll be there."

"Now let's go, i already ordered some pizza." He leaded me carefully to his car. We both got in and he drove towards my home.

"So what have you planned? Wanna watch a movie or play playstation?" I asked him, trying to bring the mood back up.

"I was thinking first playing some games and then watch a movie and eat our pizzas." He told me.
"Okay. Just so your warned, i will beat you in Call of Duty." I smirked.

"Not this time. I swear, i got better since last time."
"Yeah sure, I totally believe you." I said still smirking, he rolled his eyes.

"Hey..." I turned towards him, waiting for him to continue.
"How about, we make a bet."

"A bet?" I asked him. He nodded, "Yeah."
"Okay, and what is the bet." I asked him.

"If i win just one round, dear friend", he pointed his finger towards me.
"Will have to come with me to set tomorrow."

"Nooooo!!." I exclaimed. "Why not?"
"Cause, you know i'm totally awkward around new people. And it doesn't help that they are celebrities." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you already met them. I mean you had a conversation with Jenna for almost an hour." He said. I decided to just give in.
"Fine." I huffed. He smiled, "Yes!"

"Hey, but what if you will lose....ans I win." I said smirking.
"You decide what we do next time we hang out."

"Okay sounds good ." I exclaimed.

Once we arrive home, we plopped down on the couch and started to play some games and to my surprise, Georgie really won one game. Well, actually it were two, but doesn't matter. Anyways, that means i have to come with him tomorrow.

We played another few rounds, till the doorbell rang and our pizza arrived.

We got us some plates to put the pizza down and started to watch some movie. It was 'Fast & Furious 7', one of our favorite movies.

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