Part 7

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Jayden's Pov:

It went by around 2 weeks since the death of my mom. I don't really know how much exactly, since i've been doing nothing but sleeping and crying. The moment Georgie left my house that morning, I never let him in. He was worried as hell, but I told him I needed time and he understood that.

But still he has been texting me every day and night, i'm just not answering him, like everyone else too.

I'm sure my boss is gonna kill me when i come back, I said him i'm sick since I don't want to tell him about mom, I don't want his pity.

There still wasn't a funeral for my mom, since I don't have enough money for that right now, so they said, she will stay in the mortuary for awhile. At least till I have some more money.

Georgie offered to pay for me or at least some of it, but I said 'No' every single time. I just don't like using someone else's money, it doesn't feel right.

So the only choice I have, is getting my ass up and go to work. But i don't really feel like it.
But you need to, Jayden! So get your fucking cry ass up.

After I held an inner monologue, I decided it is for the best that I should leave my bed now. With a lot of strength I finally stood up again, after like one week.

I put on my work outfit. It's around lunch time right now, so like my official work time.

After dressing I instantly got on my bike and drove off, no breakfast or anything else, I'm just not hungry and I think you can figure that out when you see me. My body doesn't look as healthy as before, more like i've not eaten in days, which is kinda true.

But food is the least thing that is in my mind right now.

I arrived at work, put my bike off and got inside. The moment the bells above me rung my boss came running towards me, angry as fuck. Oh shit, that's not good.

"JAYDEN FUCKING JONAS!! What the hell is wrong with you, not coming to work in two weeks, claiming your 'sick'." He whisper shouted since there were a lot of customers.

"I'm sorry." I just said, I couldn't get anything out.
"What?! That's the only thing you can say about that." I looked down and slowly nodded my head.

I just want to go home in my bed again and cry.
"Your fired." He simply said, crossing his arms on his chest.

"What! You can't do that." I exclaimed stepping closer to him.

"Oh Yes, I fucking can!" He said louder, turning heads from the people.

"No, no please, give me another chance." I begged him. He shakes his head disappointed.
"Just, get out." He said pointing his finger to the door. "Or I call security."

"No, please." I pleaded. He said nothing, still having his finger in the air.

When I didn't move an inch, he got closer to me. My eyes widened. He rudely grabbed me and pushed me backwards.

He opened the door with his other hand.
"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT." He shouted.

"Just give me another chance." I begged, tears forming. In the meantime he pushed us both outside. Now we were standing on the sidewalk, still arguing. What i didn't know is, that just a few meters away a group of people i was very familiar with, was watching us.

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