JIMIN: Lilly? Are you awake?
LILLY: Jimin it's so late at night, what's up?
JIMIN: Come outside.
LILLY: What?
JIMIN: Come outside, I'm hiding in your garage.
LILLY: Jimin, why are you here?
JIMIN: I need to talk to you.
LILLY: About?
JIMIN: Tomorrow night.
LILLY: What about tomorrow night?
JIMIN: I want to take you to dinner.
LILLY: Jimin...
JIMIN: I know you like Yoongi too, but I want to try one last time. Give me this chance, Lilly.
LILLY: Who said I like Yoongi?
JIMIN: I can tell.
LILLY: Jimin, I need to sleep...
JIMIN: It'll be quick I promise!
LILLY: Fine... I'll come get you.
. . . . .
Jimin beams down at his phone, pocketing it excitedly. No matter what, he must try harder than Yoongi.
I will visit her at work, I'll buy her flowers, I'll send her cute messages, just like we were before. I won't let Yoongi take her from me.
Jimin bounces on his feet, waiting for Lilly to appear at the stairs leading from the garage to the apartments.
He hears little taps, running down the stairs. He beams as Lilly rounds the bannister and spots him. She smiles shyly, still in her pyjamas.
She gestures for him to follow her without saying a word. He jogs up the stairs, tripping every once and a while because he can't stop watching her.
Soon, they're in her apartment, standing a few metres from each other. Jimin steps forward shyly, ignoring Lilly's tell-tale blush.
"This is a nice apartment," Jimin peers around the corners into the rooms and living areas, "How many rooms do you have here?"
"2," she replies, shyly rocking on her heels.
"What are you going to do with the extra room?"
"Nothing yet, I'm planning on maybe having a roommate,"
"Huh? Seriously?" Jimin raises his voice, startling Lilly.
Lilly raises her eyebrows, folding her arms across her chest.
"What? Am I not allowed roommates? Do I need your permission for friends too?"
Jimin winces, already regretting raising his voice.
"I didn't mean it, Lilly, I got excited. It won't happen again," He steps forward, pulling her hands out of her folded arms.
"You make my emotions get all messed up. I don't know what's wrong with me," Jimin whines.

The One
FanfictionLilly Min is a simple girl. All she wants to be is a songwriter for some big American company, and help famous people produce music. Not too much to ask, right? Lilly never expected to meet any singers before she graduated from university, but she...