It's been a long week, but it's finally Friday. It's been 3 weeks since I started working at Bighit Entertainment. But only 2 weeks since the death threats started. I was meant to stay away from work, but I was so insanely bored and worried. I had to do something.
I finally have my own recording studio. I decided to call it the Lilly pad at Yoongi's request.
So far, Namjoon and Jungkook have spent more time at the Lilly pad than any of the other members. Yoongi used to spend a lot of time here with me, but he's been avoiding me since our first argument on Monday night.
He doesn't respond to my texts or my calls. Namjoon says it's his pride getting in the way of his common sense.
"Don't worry too much about it," Namjoon remarked kindly yesterday, "He's just upset because when he got home, he sought our approval and we agreed with you,"
"Really?" I gasped, frowning down at my phone.
Stupid... how can his pride be so important to him at a time like this?
"Yeah, he even pushed Namjoon," Jungkook added, frowning down at the lyrics he was working on.
"What? Seriously?" I exclaimed, staring between the two guys working beside me.
"Yeah," Namjoon replied softly, "But don't be angry at him. He'll get over it,"
I let Namjoon's words sink in, but I wasn't consoled.
Now, as I enter my new car, I feel frustrated.
I am being stalked, sent death threats, and feeling extremely overwhelmed and, where is he? Sulking because he's in the wrong and can't admit it!
I pout, putting my keys in the ignition and start up my car.
Suddenly, dread settles in the pit of my stomach as the hairs on the back on my neck prickle. I spin around in my seat, looking into the back seats to make sure no one is there.
It's empty.
I look out my windows, searching for the cause of the panic fluttering in my lower abdomen. There's no one there. There's no one in sight.
I start to calm down. What could have caused me to feel like that? Is the stress getting to me?
Maybe I should tell them we're not together.
I frown, considering this thought.
I mean, Yoongi hasn't spoken to me in almost a week. I am dealing with all this stress alone, and it's because of him.
Should we call it quits?
"YAH!" I yell, smacking my face with both my hands, "Pull yourself together! He'll come around. Namjoon said so!"
I shake my head, trying to ignore the immense burden I'm feeling, and drive off.
I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought this a few times. I just need Yoongi to talk to me. We'll figure this out, but right now all he's doing is encouraging these pathetic thoughts.
The feeling of dread, the pickling on my neck, the sense that someone is watching me, I've been feeling like this since the article was released last week. Is someone really following me, or am I just being paranoid after the texts from the fans?
I push these thoughts aside as I pull my car into the apartment car park, making sure no one slips in as it closes behind me. I can't risk not being cautious. These 'fans' are psychotic.

The One
أدب الهواةLilly Min is a simple girl. All she wants to be is a songwriter for some big American company, and help famous people produce music. Not too much to ask, right? Lilly never expected to meet any singers before she graduated from university, but she...