TW: Violence
"I'm staying here,"
"Yoongi, the police will be out the front of her house, she'll be fine,"
"I'm not leaving,"
"Min Yoongi, you have to come to work,"
"I'm not leaving this house until he's found,"
"Yoongi, please,"
"The police were patrolling last time, you think she'll be safe?"
"What if you get hurt?"
"What if she gets hurt?"
"You can't skip work,"
"Watch me," Yoongi growls, hanging up on Bang Hyungsik. He knows he'll be in trouble for this later, but he can't leave her alone like this.
He turns to look at Lilly. She's crawled into a ball on the couch. She has bandages on her arms and legs to cover the deeper cuts on her body. Her eye and jaw are bruised severely, and she moves gingerly, her ribs tender with minor fractures. She absentmindedly rubs her uncovered cuts, like she's trying to rub them away.
He watches her with a heavy heart, trying to ignore the invasive thoughts that run through his mind.
It's your fault. She's like this because of you.
He pushes these thoughts from his mind, trying to think of a plan.
They just got back from the hospital a few hours ago. The police dropped by and explained the plan. They will be sitting in an unmarked police vehicle watching the house. If the suspect sneaks in outside their vision then Yoongi or Lilly are to turn on and off the kitchen light.
If he sneaks in, Yoongi knows exactly what he wants to do.
He'll be crawling out of here when I'm done with him.
He clenches his fists, trying to fight the urge to punch something. At the hospital, he listened to her story as she sobbed onto his shoulder. Why was this psycho able to walk the streets? Why did his girlfriend not report him?
It's not that simple, you know that.
His chest aches even more as hopelessness engulfs him. He wasn't there to protect her. She was waiting for him, hoping he'd come to help her, and he wasn't there.
He slowly walks over to her, his eyes wary. She's staring at the TV, rubbing a long cut on her arm.
"Don't scratch it," Yoongi murmurs, sitting beside her. She grimaces, before leaning into him.
"It's itchy..." She sighs, breathing in his scent. She nudges him so she's laying across him, her head on his chest. He lets her, wrapping his arms around her.
"If you scratch it, it won't heal properly. You don't want it to scar," His unsaid words hang in the air.
You don't want to remember this day forever.
"Some of them will scar," She whispers, her hands clenching into fists, clinging to his shirt.
Yoongi squeezes her tighter as a tear falls down his cheek.
"I should have been there," He whispers without thinking. She looks up at him, horrified.
"Don't blame yourself, this isn't your fault," She places her hand on his face, making him look at her.

The One
FanfictionLilly Min is a simple girl. All she wants to be is a songwriter for some big American company, and help famous people produce music. Not too much to ask, right? Lilly never expected to meet any singers before she graduated from university, but she...