the gays are invading us

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Lindsay: yull nevr guss wha I saww

Courtney: what did you saw?

Lindsay: Christian and chof kissin!!

Justin: they are invading us

Courtney: who?

Justin: ...the gays...

Justin: take note of that ugly twink

Cody: list of homosexuals confirmed in this gc:
- Heather
- Owen
- Gwen
- Courtney
- Bridgette
- Katie
- Sadie
- Chris
- Chef

Cody: and im not ugly!

DJ: you didnt say you're not a twink tho


Lindsay: waittt, ar gays invading us?? ar theyy aloens??

Tyler: dont worry babe! im not a gay so i can protect you!

Noah: barbie and ken share less than a brain cell

Heather: do you even know what "gay" is?

Lindsay: jelly saif they werr incading us soo I thonl theyre aliens!!!

Harold: a gay is a boy who is sexually and romantically attracted to boys and only boys

Harold: a lesbian is the same as a gay, only that they're girls attracted romantically and sexually to girls and only girls

Harold: but there are some people that do not experience sexually attraction, they're called asexuals

Lindsay: ooooooh I get it!!

Heather: you do? what a surprise!

Lindsay: does thht means tharrf healthy is a lesbian?? sincc shw s only attracydd to goerls

Heather: congratulations! you understood what lesbian means!

Lindsay: YAYY

Gwen: ik i called you a closeted lesbian but I really thought that you were bi or something since you "liked" Al

Heather: yea well, attraction changes over the time so

Gwen: im glad you found what you like

Heather: stop trying to be nice, i don't like this gwen

Gwen: so you like bad girls?

Gwen: because im bad at everything ;)

Geoff: gwen delete this personality

Gwen: why?

Geoff: I liked personality 1 for you better

Gwen: alright


Izzy: btw im sure Gwen has a thing for Heather, they're like, so lesbians

Lindsay: is therer a wordd for wehn u lok all fenders??

Harold: its called pansexual, gosh!

Lindsay: ooooo so im pansexual!!

Cody: list of homosexuals confirmed in this gc:
- Heather
- Owen
- Gwen
- Courtney
- Bridgette
- Katie
- Sadie
- Chris
- Chef
- Lindsay

Lindsay: but im not homosexual!! im pansdcual!!

DJ: Linds i think that by homosexuals he refers to all members of the lgbtiq+ community

Lindsay: oooooo okay!

Lindsay: rr you homosexual too CD???

DJ: im pansexual and asexual :)

Ezekiel: im asexual too eh!!

Ezekiel: well im arromantic too eh

Cody: who else?

Noah: since everyone is saying what they are, guess im gonna say it too

Noah: im gay, surprise!

Cody: BUT I THOUGHT YOU WERE STRAIGHT???????????????????

Beth: he cant be straight!! if he were straight noco wouldn't exist!!

Harold: noco is the slash ship between Cody Emmett Jamesone Anderson and Noah Sterecra from the Total Drama show

Leshawna: no one asked, babe

Duncan: listen to your girlfriend and close that mouth of yours, Dorkis

Leshawna: shut up you disrespectful bitch


Noah: omg yes bestie!!! Harold and Duncan are so cute together, omg!!

Beth: ikr!!

Beth: but you and emma were so cute together too!

Gwen: "they're so cute together!!" and the couple is literally a lesbian women and a gay man

Noah: ^

Trent: go for it bro

Cody: idk if i should go for it bro

Trent: if he rejects you we can always make out bro

Gwen: are you guys joking when you say to make out?

Cody: sometimes

Courtney: "sometimes" 💀

Duncan: but daddy trent i thought I was the only one...

Duncan: now I know who you pretend I am...

Cody: i know who you pretend i am...

Trent: cody baby, you do the same as me...

Trent: I know who you pretend I am...

Bridgette: DO MI TII

Bridgette: WHY NOT MEEEE

Lindsay: detectuve lindsay is here to solvf the cass!!

Lindsay: ill find oirwho Trenton thinkd whilr makinf out witj candy!

Lindsay: and whu candy tinks whilt malknf out with Trento!

Lindsay: detective Lindsay in action!!!

Chris: will Lindsay find out who Trent thinks while making out with Cody? And Cody while making out with Trent? Find out in the next chapter of Total. Drama. Buddies!

Alejandro: ojalá te mueras capullo

Read at 04:38

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