Detective Lindsay!

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Lindsay's POV :)

Okay, remember that one time I stayed at Vanessa's house? I gotta say her house was a bit scary... It was all black! And she has scary decorations like bats plushies! I couldn't sleep, like, in all night! I ended up sharing a bed with Gwen. And yes, I did kiss her good night in the cheek, I always do that! What if the person dies in their sleep?! I would felt, like, so bad!
Oops, I think I've strayed a little off topic!

Anyways! Remember when Tristan and Condor said they always make out, but thinking of another person? Right? Well, I, detective Lindsay, got the charge to find out in what persons do they think! And that's why I stayed at Vanessa's house! Because I got lost trying to find Tristan and Condor!

But today... Today it's different! Today I'm with Taylor, my ex boyfriend and good friend! I know we broke up, but we ended up in with terms! And we broke up because he realised he likes Alejandro! But that's a secret I must do not tell anyone! But I already told you... Oopsie...

Leaving that aside, I managed to discover that Condor and Tristan are having a little talk at this cute little park surrounded by trees... It almost looks like the woods! Anyways, so we are here, searching Condor and Tristan.

"Lindsay! I found them!" Taylor whispered, catching my attention. I turned my head to the direction he was pointing, finding them sitting behind a tree.

"Come on!" I said, grabbing my friend's hand and running into a bush, making sure that they don't see us. We were close enough to hear what they are saying.

"So you like Noah?" If I'm not wrong, that's Tristan voice!.

I peeked through a small hole in the bush, seeing the uncomfortable grimace on Cody's face. I looked at Taylor, that was looking at me, and then he shrugged.

"I don't know, man..." Condor said with a tired voice "I always thought I liked Gwen, even when came out as lesbian, but with Noah is different... It's like him and me have a connection, but I don't know if it's romantic or it's just platonic!" He snapped, letting out a groan as he hide his face in his hands.

I didn't know what to do or say, and by Taylor's expression, I could tell that he neither knew. We stayed silent, looking at the drama.

"What do you feel when you're with him or think about him?"

"I feel nervous, but also extremely happy. I love hanging up with him, but we are like opposites!" Condor pauses for a second, thinking, I guess? "I feel like the whole world around us has changed, but we stayed the same, trapped in our own bubble, y'know? It's only me and him..." He smiled dreamily, which made me smile too! "I don't know what I'm saying anymore, dude. I'm confused as heck"

Tristan patted Condor's shoulder, giving him a warm smile, which Condor returned. "Have you tried telling Noah your feelings?" Tristan looked at Condor's panicking expression "maybe that way you could make clear what you feel for him, man".

"So Candy is in love with Noelle?" I asked Taylor.

"It's Cody and Noah" He sighted "and it seems so"

I let out a giggle, covering my mouth immediately, but luckily they didn't hear me! I think...

"NO WAY! What if he hates me afterwards? What if he thinks I'm gross or something? Or even worse...! What if he wants to stop being friends with me?! Or refuse to still talking to me?!" He stopped to catch some air "Anyway, why would someone as cool as him be my partner? I don't even look like a man, I look like a child! And I'm pathetic, did you see what Justin said yesterday? "You're funny, in a pathetic way"... It's almost like if I were born to be humiliated! But I agree, and I can see why. I'm always doing ridiculous things and messing up everything... Come on! I wasn't even a wanted child!"

"He doesn't have any self love, does he?" Whispered Taylor, I nodded sadly.

Now I got the feeling that we shouldn't be listening to this, and I felt bad, but a little voice in my head told me to stay still, so I didn't move.

"What are you saying? You know dang well that's a lie! How many times did you help me? How many times did you made someone smile, Cody? I'm sure Noah loves you, but not only Noah, you got Gwen, the girl would literally cry her eyes out if something bad happened to you! And Heather? How did you managed to be her friend? She appreciates you so much, how many times did she referred to you as her best friend? And don't make me talk about Izzy and Owen! Those crazies love you, and so do the drama Bros, and Alejandro too" Tristan smiled, if I have to be honest, that melted my heart, and Taylor was almost crying! "And Noah loves you the most, Cody"

Then they hugged, Candy resting his forehead on Smith's shoulder, hiding a little smile, and I was this close to jump of happiness!

"Can we stop the 'friends with benefits' thing?" Candy asked, Tristan laughed, letting go of the hug "we didn't even had sex" he said "But we did made out" Candy protested "you got a point" Tropical smiled and kissed Camila's forehead "alright".

I got out of the bush making sure they didn't see me, and so did Taylor.

"What did you find out, detective Lindsay?"

"Candy fell in love with Noelle" I said, a smile painted in my face "and Tristan is in love with Candy" I looked at a shocked Taylor with a bit of sadness "what will happen?" I asked.

"Whatever that'll happen is going to be for the best, don't worry Linds" He smiled at me. Oh my! I'm so lucky to have him as a friend!

"Next mission for detective Lindsay is to get Alejandro and Taylor together!"

"DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD" Taylor yelled, starting to run after me, I laughed and started to play his game, running away from him while giggling.

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