story of total drama

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Katie: guys i think we should like totally do like kiss kill and marry

Sadie: omg Katie we all totally like should!!!!!! !

Heather: God save me


Heather: nope

Heather left the group chat

Sadie added Heather to the group chat

Sadie: Courtney, Gwen and Alehotdro!!

Heather: can I not play the game

Katie: no!!

Heather: ugh, kill Al, kiss Court and marry Gwen

Alejandro: why thank you so much, amiga/sarc

Heather: anytime 😘

Gwen: ofc Heather will marry her bbg ❤️❤️ (me)

Heather: ily

Gwen: love you too <3

Harold: sapphic representation 👍


Sadie: Duncan, Leshawna and Chris!!!

Harold: you have to be joking, gosh!

Katie: do itttttttt

Harold: ugh

Harold: obviously marry luscious leshawna

Harold: kill..

Harold: this is just so hard, gosh!!!!

Harold: aghsgahxb

Harold: kill Chris

Harold: and... kiss... Duncan....

Cody: goshki uwu canon everyone 🤑🫵

Leshawna: knew it

Harold left the group chat

Leshawna added Harold to the group chat

Leshawna: dw baby, everyone has bad things, it's okay if you are in love with Duncan<3

Leshawna: we have an open relationship after all<3

Harold: goddammit luscious leshawna

Leshawna: <3

Noah: lmao

Sadie: speaking of queen shawna!! your turn queen!!!!

Katie: YEAAHHH EEEKKK okay so like... Lindsay, Geoff and DJ!!

Leshawna: oh boy, this is just too easy

Leshawna: kill Geoff (sorry brother), kiss DJ and marry Lindsay

Geoff: no prob sistah 😞😞😞😞

DJ: aww!

Lindsay: in 3 ypshg to mary!!

Heather: its just a game, airhead, you're not gonna marry that Nicki Minaj wannabe

Lindsay: ho

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