𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙚 ( closed :p )

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( A / N ) : omg I just found out what that stupid restaurant place name was in the game I feel so proud of myself

Information ( 1 )

( Name ) ( Last Name )
Age : 27
Old Job : 7-11 ( gas station )
New Job : Peppino Pizzeria
Old Boss : humble and selfish manager
New Boss : Peppino

( UPDATED!! ) look its you1! ( art made by yours truly, if the photo doesn't show on your screen, please come yell at me )

( UPDATED!! ) look its you1! ( art made by yours truly, if the photo doesn't show on your screen, please come yell at me )

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Prologue ( 2 )

You originally worked at a gas station called 7-11 since that was the only place you knew where you live, but the boss was so humble and selfish toward you and the workers, you had to quit due to the pressure affecting your health. Right now, you're wandering around town after you quit your recent job a week ago, it wasn't the best decision because now, your bills are due next week and you're now a week away from losing the things you worked hard getting. You grumbled and put in the earbuds that surprisingly didn't break a week after like the other ones you bought and blasted the music genre you love so loud, it blocked out the sounds from the outside world. You were one step away from zoning out when a piece of paper flew right to your face, making you shriek from such surprise. You yanked it out of your view and positioned it to start tearing it into shreds, but you stopped yourself from doing so after realizing it was an application for a job across the street. You removed your earbuds and shoved them in your hood pocket, the music is still hearable but muffled. You read the paper quietly for no one around you to hear.

" Help wanted. Must be 20 or older to apply. For newbies, you'll be taught how to make handmade pizza for an entire week, for professionals, you should be expected to know what to do. You will be paid 10 dollars an hour. Must give what the customer wants on their pizza, if the customer's pizza is for delivery, 30 minutes is your time or the pizza is for free. "

You felt your eyes starting to shimmer in glee as you looked up at the sky and thanked the heavens for giving you another chance for success. You remembered you used to work at a pizza place before, but due to you having to move, you sadly had to quit and find another job. The only thing you remembered over there was just rolling the dough and making the raw pizza crust. You went back to the paper and searched for the address before running toward your new job. A jog had passed by as you reach your destination, you take a deep breath and exhale before opening the door, a bell chime greets you into the shop as a strong smell of pizza sauce in the air slaps your face. You look around and see that no one was near the counter. You start to walk to the counter, you nervously looked at the now slightly crumbled paper from gripping it too hard, your footsteps echo in your head as you repeatedly tell yourself to calm down and you can do this.

" It's okay ( Name ), it's just a job application, there's nothing to worry ab-- HOLY SHILKDJDA "

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the counter and spoke up. An English with a rather thick Italian accent speaks up. A rather chubby man is seen to wear a black t-shirt, a white tank top, black pants, and a chef's hat.

" Hello madam/sir, welcome to-a Peppino Pizzeria! What would you-a like-a to order for-a today? "

You've broken a small sweat and gulped nervously, still gripping the paper in your hands. You take a deep quick breath before speaking.

" I'm...not looking forward to ordering pizza right about now. I'm wondering if you guys are still hiring at this time. "

The small sweat became large as you said that, and you started to overthink about him not excepting you for hire, the weird part was the man behind the counter was speechless at what you said. The silence became awkward a little too quickly.

" Uhm...sir, ya alright? "

The man broke out of his shell of silence and revealed a rather very large smile glued to his face. He gladly hired you right on the spot as he grabbed your hand and shook it fast, and to be honest, you were quite flabbergasted by it but you didn't care, you just cared about finally having a job to take care of.

" I'm-a so happy someone would want to-a work here-a! Come, I'll show you-a the-a station at the-a back. "

You nodded as you followed the man to the back.

" So, are you-a a newbie or... "
" Ehh, I would call myself one only for knowing how to roll the pizza dough and form the crust. "

And on that day, you would come home happier than any day you spent before.

Request Page ( 3 )

Characters that will be used : fuck it, we doing all of them

what requests I will take :
☁️ = Fluff
✒️ = Angst
💌 = Polyamorous ( 3-people relationship )
💫 = Headcanon ( maybe not idk )
💤 = Crack lmao
⏰ = Siblings ( new )

what requests I won't take :
Vore ( ❌️i despise vore, argue with me, i dare ya❌️ )
Pedophilia ( ❌️do I need to explain myself?❌️ )
Smut/Nonconsensual Smut ( ❌️get yourself checked❌️ )
Kinks ( ❌️kinks make me uncomfortable, im sorry😞❌️ )
OC's ( ❌️nah lmfao❌️ )

you guys can stop requesting now lmao

im gonna regret releasing this shit to the public so much

𝙋𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖 𝙏𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙭𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨⁉️ ( closed🔥 )Where stories live. Discover now