Chapter Ten: My career is starting to take off.

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 So, this is a new chapter in my life and I'm so happy and proud of myself that I pushed myself and proved everyone wrong.

(In Carrie's Thoughts)

What am I going to tell my parents?? I guess I will wait until the day of. I'm going to wait. I want it to be a surprise. I am just so scared that they will find out or maybe they will disown me. Or something like that.

(End of Thoughts)

Julie: Carrie!!! Can you come here please??

Me: Coming!!!


Me: Yes??

Julie: Look at this!!!! A talent scout is coming for auditions!!!

Me: It says for backup.

Julie: Yeah!!

Me: Ugh Mom, really??

Julie: What??

Me: Do you really think that I belong in backup?!?!

Julie: Yes! I want you to focus more on hockey baby!!!

Me: Okay, whatever!!! I'm not going.

Julie: Why??

Me: Because I'm not doing a backup.

Julie: Okay, your loss.

To remind you that I already got the lead but how am I going to make her come?? I'll figure it out. Come on!!

~2 days later~

(In Carrie's thoughts)

I can't believe that the day is here!!! And I can't believe that my mom is coming.

(End of thoughts)

So, I can't believe that I will be center stage in a few hours and my mom will be in the front row. Wait!!! You don't know how I got my mom to come?? Let me backup to yesterday.


Me: Mom, I'm sorry that I snapped at you.

Julie: It's okay. I understand. I'm sorry too.

Me: But you know what mom. I took that opportunity, and I got the part.

Julie: Really?

Me: Yes, and I got you in the front row.

Julie: Really!!!!

Me: Yes!!! And I'll be happy to for you to come,

Julie: Yes, of course I'll come.


So, you see, I had to lie to her for her to come and now I am going to surprise her and yes, I'm missing school for this but I did tell my teachers and principal ahead of time, so I am excused. I just hope that they watch me shine. And I hope Amara is watching from backstage.

As I went out there center stage, I shined throughout the whole performance. At the end of it, I got a standing ovation. My mom smiled at me and at that moment I felt like I had proved her wrong.

Me: How did you like it??

Julie: I loved it. I'm sorry that I was forcing you into sports and clearly your passion is performing.

Me: I know. But I only did it because it made you happy.

Julie: Really?? You did that for me? I'm so sorry.

Me: It's okay, really!!!

So, long story short. That was my first performance, and I was excited to go on tour, but I got to finish school first. That's what the talent scouts say, well now my boss says. But you wanna know something. I'm going to see if I can test out of school and get my diploma early.

Yes!! I know that you want to see what happens next, but you have got to wait. Let's see what will happen to Carrie and Amara. 

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