Chapter Seventeen: Jail time!!

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A/N: This chapter is a special chapter because I'm letting you chose what these characters look like. Let your imagination go wild. Have fun!!!!

Me: Mom?? Who is this???

Julie: An abusive ex husband. Don't worry about it.

Me: Worry!! You just killed someone!!!!

Julie: He was controlling me and I don't like being controlled.

Me: So, you killed him??

Julie: Yes because I like my power over people.

Me: You mean, you like to control them and be your slaves but you don't like helping others?? Just because you don't like being controlled.

Julie: Exactly!!

Me: Mom. I hate to do this to you but you know I have to call the cops.

Julie: NO YOU WON'T!! *Pushes me down in the pool of blood.

Me: What is wrong with you??

Julie: Nothing is wrong with me!!! YOU ARE NOT CALLING THE COPS ON ME!!!

Me: I have to mom. You murdered someone!!

Julie: That's true but you have no control over me. I'm the only one that barks orders!! Do you hear me??

Me: So, basically your way or no way???

Julie: Exactly. *As she moves closer to me

At this point, I thought I was going to die but then, by some miracle, the cops came busting in and arrested my Mother. At that point, i was relieved that the cops saved my life but at the same time, she's my mom and she's going to jail for not only the murder of her abusive ex husband but she also killed dad. I had my suspicions but I didn't want to believe it for the longest because I couldn't believe that she had an evil bone in her body.

Officer Malloy: I'm Officer Malloy I am going to need a statement from you so, if you want to follow Officer Stevens that would be lovely.

So, I followed the kind officer and told him everything that I knew and my suspicion about her killing my father.

Officer Stevens: Thank you for the information.

Officer Phillips: I'm going to walk you out and Officer Winnfield will make sure you get home and he will stay there until you feel safe enough to be alone.

At this point in time it's been about 3 months since I graduated high school and I'm 17 at this point so Mrs. Stephanie Mitchell got me emancipated so I can live here by myself. BTW, she is a lawyer.

So, that's what Officer Winnfield did. He stayed long enough for me to brave up and be safe enough to be by myself. Even though my Dad is dead and my Mom is in jail, I still do feel safe. But that is what I told the Officer so he can get back to taking care of crime that's in the area.

So, that happened.... What will happen to Carrie now??? Will Julie get out of jail, sooner than we all thought?? What will be her intentions, if she does get out??

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