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"Once upon a time, a lovely Queen broke her own curse to live happily ever after. Her happiness wasn't in her reach yet, so she looked for help. She wanted to stay in her town called Storybrooke where only she could live happily ever after. But for that to be true, she needed to get the roadblocks out of the way. When she found the help she needed, she was ready. At that moment, her Saviors were born:
The Dark Saviors Of Storybrooke."
The hearts in the box Regina was holding turn pitch black at that moment.
That's when Henry lunged onto Emma and ripped out her heart.
Emma screams as Henry rips her heart out and he smiles.
"I never loved you, you bastard!" Yells Henry.
Slowly, Henry squeezes Emma's heart and Emma falls to the ground.
Henry flattens his hand and sand fall out.
Emma is dead. Dead. Emma. Emma.
"Henry! Aaaaah! No please don't. Don-"
"Hey! Emma it's okay. You're safe. It's okay. It was just a nightmare."
Emma looks up and sees Mary Margaret. Snow White. Her mother. Emma is at Mary Margaret's house in her bed. Mary Margaret smiles at Emma and they hug each other.
"It was horrible. Henry was ripping my heart out and he said...he said that...he said..." Emma chokes on tears.
"You can tell me." Says Mary Margaret.
"He said he didn't love me!" Emma starts crying. "It okay Emma. It was just a dream." Says Mary Margaret and then whispers to her self. "Part of it."
"What?" Says Emma.
"What?" Says Mary Margaret.
"I heard you! You said 'part of it'. Part of what!" Emma yells.
"You don't remember?" Says Mary Margaret.
"Remember?" Says Emma.
"You're awake." Says Elsa as she enters the room. She is wearing a green dress instead of the blue. "We're ready. We were just waiting for you to wake up from the incident."
Tris, Katniss, Cia, and Thomas come in the room and stand around Emma's bed.
"What incident. I don't understand a thing!" Emma screams.
"She doesn't remember." Says Mary Margaret.
"What?" Says Emma.
"When Henry tried to take your heart-" Elsa is interrupted.
"What! It wasn't a dream!" Yells Emma.
"Calm down Emma. Let Elsa explain." Says Mary Margaret.
"Okay." Says Elsa. "When Henry tried to take your heart out, for some reason he couldn't. Regina pushed Henry to the side and she froze us. Regina herself tried to take your heart out and she couldn't either. Then something happened."
Mary Margaret grabs Emma's hand and smiles.
"What happened." Says Emma to Elsa.
"Magic. You blasted Regina with magic."
"What! How?" Says Emma.
"Well you actually didn't intentionally blast her. It just came out from you. Alone." Says Elsa.
Emma is stunned. Magic. She has magic powers.
"The same magic blasted you back as so Regina and you hit your head on the ground. You were knocked out and we brought you here." Says Mary Margaret.
"So where's Henry." Says Emma.
"Regina took him." Says Elsa. "Maybe you don't remember but she took their hearts out and blackened them. Now she can control them."
"Them?" Says Emma.
"Peeta." Says Katniss. "And Tobias, Teresa, Anna, and Cia's friend, Tomas. They are all controlled by Regina like Henry."
"That stupid witch! How could we fall for her trap. She's so... She has no soul! She could harm Henry!" Screams Emma.
"Henry is her son, too Emma. She wouldn't harm him." Says Mary Margaret.
"She faked to kill him. She blackens his heart to control him, and she killed her past self. The Evil Queen! If she can kill herself, she can do anything. She's that selfish that she can't risk having herself beat her!" Yells Emma. Emma realizes that Mary Margaret didn't know many of this.
"I'm sorry." Says Emma to Mary Margaret.
"It's okay." She says.
"So what's the plan." Says Emma to Elsa.
"Regina is holding them in her house. That's what we're going. There's no specific plan. We just break in and grab them."
"But Henry tried to kill me. Isn't it dangerous." Says Emma.
"You're right." Says Elsa. "I guess we'll risk it."
Emma moves her gaze down and wipes away a tear.
"Just how did it look when Henry attacked me?" Says Emma.
Mary Margaret holds Emma's hand and speaks.
"Let's just say he looked vital."
Emma nods.
"I'm sure we can get him back. For some reason, they can't rip my heart out. I need to know why. I have a feeling it can help us get them back."
"But who do you think can help you?" Says Mary Margaret.
Emma stares at Mary Margaret.
"Rumpelstiltskin." Says Emma.
"We don't know if he's working for Regina." Says Elsa. "He did 'help' us in the Enchanted Forest when we were with Regina."
"I need to know why I have powers and how to use them." Says Emma.
"Wait." Says Tris. "Didn't you keep some of that True Love potion you gave to Katniss. The one Rumpelstiltskin gave us the first time we went to the Enchanted Forest?"
"Yes, but I do t think it's enough for everybody." Says Emma.
"Then what do we do." Asks Mary Margaret.
Emma gets out of bed, puts on her red leather jacket and opens the door. Before leaving, she answers.
"I'll take my chances with Gold." Says Emma and leaves the room.

The Dark Hearted: Book 2 of The Six Saviors Of Storybrooke (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now