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As Emma, Mary Margaret, and the other Saviors walk through the streets toward Mr. Gold's pawnshop, they can see everyone recovering from their lost memories. People hugging each other, families reuniting.
Mary Margaret sees Ruby and Granny outside the diner. Mary Margaret smiles and runs toward Ruby to an embrace.
"Red." Says Mary Margaret.
The Saviors walk toward the diner.
"Where's Charming?" Says Ruby smiling.
"I don't know." Says Mary Margaret. "When the curse broke, I saw him, but then I took Emma to my house so she could recover."
"So you finally found her." Says Ruby. Mary Margaret turns around to Emma and smiles.
"Yes." Says Mary Margaret. "We were on our way to Mr. Gold's. But I wanted to find David first."
"No need."
Mary Margaret smiles as she sees David walking toward her.
"I will always find you." Says David. They embrace and then David looks at Emma.
"Emma." Says David.
Emma just stares at him and then at the ground not knowing what to do. For twenty eight years, Emma had been living without her parents. And then she finds them to also find out that her parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, and that they, including her, come from another world. Including with the pressure that Henry has been taken by Regina and has turned evil.
"Come here." Says David.
Emma obeys and walks slowly toward her father. They embrace and a tear escapes Emma. Emma breaks the embrace and speaks.
"We better get to Gold."
"Emma please." David is held down by Mary Margaret.
"It's okay." Says Mary Margaret to David. "Give it time."
David nods and stays with Mary Margaret.
"Emma." Says Mary Margaret." David and I will stay here. If you need us you know where to find us."
"Thanks." Says Emma.
Emma and the Saviors reach Mr. Gold's shop and open the door. Mr. Gold is inside with a young girl talking.
"Sorry to interrupt, but it's urgent." Says Emma.
"Regina won't hurt Henry." Says Gold not taking his eyes off the girl.
"What did you say?" Says Emma. "Do you really think Regina won't hurt Henry? Because she already did and who knows what else she's going to do! So you stop a moment with your school boy crush and help us!"
Gold walks toward Emma.
"Is everything alright?" Says the girl. She has a distinctive accent.
"I think it will be." Says Gold.
"I think I should first introduce her to you before we get on with things." Says Gold referring to the girl.
Emma just stares at him as so do the
"Anyway, this is Belle." Says Gold. "Regina had her locked up all these years until you broke the curse."
"Nice to meet you Emma and..."
"Oh." Says Emma. "This is Elsa, Katniss, Tris, Cia, and Thomas."
"Nice to meet you Belle." Say the Saviors.
" Nice to meet you too." Says Belle.
"Okay Gold. Help us." Says Emma.
"And why should I." Says Gold.
Emma sighs.
"What's your price."
"After you finish your business with Regina, you will help me." Says Gold.
"With what?" Says Emma.
"You'll know soon." Says Gold. "Okay. You don't actually need the person. You just need their hearts. You break in to Regina's house and find the hearts."
"And how will we do that." Says Emma.
"I have a potion." Says Gold.
He walks toward the counter and opens a box. He retrieves a bottle with blue glowing liquid inside.
"This potion is like the potion I gave to your father Ms. Swan. It helped him find your mother when she was under the sleeping curse. You put it on the thing you hold dearly of that person."
"But if it helped him find Mary Margaret, a person, how will it find Henry's heart." Says Emma.
"I see you're still holding back from your parents Ms. Swan." Says Gold.
Emma just stares at Gold and he resumes.
"It's the same potion, but I'm going to change it."
"How?" Says Emma.
Mr. Gold responds.
Emma remembers the other reason why she came here.
"Wait. About magic."
"You have magic." Says Gold.
"How did you know?" Says Emma.
"The whole town saw you." Says Gold.
Emma remembers the moment with Henry.
"You knew from the beginning, before I was born, that I was going to be the Savior. You knew this was going to happen." Says Emma.
"You may not believe me deary, but I didn't. You being the product of true love, there had to be something special. The magic came from you. You made it." Says Gold.
Emma doesn't know what to do or to say. There is just one thing she knows.
"I just want to see Henry." Says Emma.
"And you can." Says Gold.
"But I have to get his heart first." Says Emma.
"We better get moving." Says Tris.
"She's right." Says Elsa.
"We're wasting time." Says Thomas.
"Just change the potion so we can save Henry." Says Emma.
"You think it's that easy." Says Gold.
"You may not even see Henry, all of your loved ones that Regina has, like in a year if you don't do this right. You might not even see them at all again."
"I will see my son again!" Yells Emma.
"Well then your lucky!" Yells Gold. "I haven't seen my son in twenty eight years and when Regina enacted the curse, I thought it was an opportunity to find my son by I couldn't leave Storybrooke !"
"I'm sorry." Says Emma. "But you knew that if Regina enacted the curse, you would be going to the world your son was in. That's why you wanted Regina to enact the curse. To find your son. Look at what you caused."
"I didn't know!" Says Gold. "And that is why then I wanted you to break it so I could leave Storybrooke and find my son!"
Belle walks up to Gold and holds his hand.
"It's okay Rumple. You'll find him." She says.
Gold nods at Belle and smiles at her.
"So what now." Says Emma.
"You'll see Henry." Says Gold.
"But I thought you just said Regina was to dangerous." Says Emma.
"I never said you had to go." Says Gold. "Come here."
Emma has a questioned look on her face as she walks up to Gold. He opens a box and and takes out something. He hands it to Emma and she takes it.
"What is it?" Says Emma.
"A mirror. It belonged to Regina. You can use it to see through any mirror." Says Gold.
"Well make it so I can see Henry." Says Emma.
"Only you can do that. The person who wants to see through the mirror only sees what they want. If I do it I won't be looking at Henry." says Gold.
"But how." Says Emma.
"Concentrate. What do you want to do?" Says Gold.
Emma looks at the mirror and stares. She just wants to see Henry. All the others come closer to watch Emma.
"Stop thinking!" Blurts out Gold. "Magic doesn't come from the brain. You have to feel it not think it."
Emma tries and again stares at the mirror. She stares and stares but nothing happens. She's about to give up but then remembers what Henry did to her. He tried to rip out her heart. Her own son. And why? Because Regina. That Evil Queen. She just wants to see that Henry is alright. Emma didn't even realize she had her eyes closed but she keeps them that way. "I just wants to see Henry." Thinks Emma.
"Emma look." Emma can hear Elsa say.
Emma opens her eyes and sees the mirror. Instead of seeing her reflection, she sees a a clouded mirror. When the clouds fade away from the glass she sees him.
"I did it." Says Emma with a smile.
She can see Henry. They're in a dark room. Not tied up but not free either. Emma can hear a voice through the mirror.
"How does it feel?"
There could only be one voice as sinister.
"Regina." Says Emma.
She listens to Regina through the mirror.
"How does it feel?" Says Regina again.
"It feels good."
"Henry! That was Henry speaking." Says Emma.
"Being evil does feel good. I told you Henry. Now you understand me. You all understand me." Says Regina.
"What are we going to do?" Says Henry.
"Just wait a little longer." Says Regina. "Our plan is almost ready."
Regina exits the room.
"They'll never come."
"Who was that." Says Emma.
"Anna!" Yells Elsa. "It was Anna."
"What?" Says Henry.
"Your mom. My sister. They'll never come for us. Regina is too strong." Says Anna.
Emma can see Henry walk toward Anna who is sitting down. Suddenly Henry lunges into Anna and puts his hand in her chest.
"Oh my goodness!" Yells Emma. "What the hell is he doing."
"Anna!" Yells Elsa.
They can hear Anna screaming through the mirror.
"I don't understand why he's doing that." Says Elsa. "Regina ripped out their hearts."
When Henry pulls out his hand from Anna's chest, a red, glowing heart comes out.
"I think she forgot one." Says Emma.
"Why isn't it dark?" Says Elsa.
They can hear Henry speak again.
"Why do you still have your heart." Says Henry.
Anna is gasping for air and recovers to speak.
"Regina. She didn't take it. She thought it would be more painful for me to see everyone else be evil and for my sister to see me suffer."
"I agree with my mother." Says Henry. He starts to squeeze Anna's heart and Anna scream.
"Henry!" Yells Emma knowing he can't hear her.
"Anna!" Yells Elsa.
Henry squeezes and squeezes with a big grin on his face.
Henry stops squeezing Anna's heart as Regina closes the door and enters the room.
"What the hell are you doing?" Says Regina.
"Having fun." Says Henry.
"I can't risk you killing someone as crucial as Princess Anna here." Says Regina and snatches the heart out of Henry's hand.
"Thank you Regina." Says Anna.
"Oh don't thank me yet." Says Regina. "Like I said I can't risk it. I can't risk anyone of you having a heart."
Regina waves her hand. A box appears and she puts the heart in the box.
"What is she doing?" Says Elsa.
Regina again waves her hand and black smoke covers the heart.
"Ahhhh!" Yells Anna. She screams as if they were peeling her skin off.
"No!" Yells Elsa.
When the smoke clears, a black heart sits in the box.
"She blackened it." Says Emma.
"No." Says Elsa.
Anna stops screaming and looks up to Regina. A smile on her face.
"Thank you Regina." Says Anna.
"Your welcome." Says Regina and leaves the room.
Immediately as Regina leaves Anna slaps Henry.
"You bastard little child." Says Anna.
Then Henry grabs Anna's two braids and pulls. Anna screams and grabs Henry. They roll in the ground punching, kicking, and they keep fighting as everybody else in the room where Anna and Henry are watch with amusement.
"I can't take it." Says Emma and throws the mirror across the room and it smashes on the wall.
"I'm so sorry Emma." Says Elsa.
"Don't be. The only person who will be sorry is Regina." Says Emma. "Gold, the potion."
"Of course Ms. Swan." Says Gold.
He grabs the potion and waves his hand. The blue liquid turns green, then red, and finally it stays purple.
"It's ready." Says Gold.
Emma takes it and walks toward the door. She lets everyone out first and when she's the least one to exit she thanks Gold.
"I'm sure we'll find your son." Says Emma and leaves.
"Emma's right." Says Belle and hugs Gold. "Don't worry Rumple."
"You can worry now."
Belle and Gold look up and see a dwarf.
"Grumpy, how are you." Says Belle.
"Belle. Where have you been? I'm good thank you. But there is something important we found out." Says Grumpy.
"And why does it concern us." Says Gold.
"It concerns everybody. And you better not do anything to Belle or you'll deal it with me." Says Grumpy.
"Sure." Says Gold.
"Anyway, it's about the town line." Says Grumpy.
"What about it?" Says Gold.
"If you cross it, you loose your memories and get your curse memories back. Sleepy crossed and he doesn't know who he is."
"So what your saying is..." Says Belle.
"That you still can't leave Storybrooke." Says Grumpy.
Gold's eyes widen. Belle senses him and knows what's he's thinking.
"It's okay. We'll find a way." Says Belle.
"Yes." Says Gold staring a the floor. "I'll find a way to see you Bae.

Author's Note:
There is chapter 2. I just couldn't stand it so I had to write. I have time to write but I was tired of writing the first story that I wanted to wait a little. But I wrote chapter two. What do you think? Comment and like it. I won't update too fast but stay tuned for more chapters. Thank you all!

The Dark Hearted: Book 2 of The Six Saviors Of Storybrooke (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now