Not So Much of a Reunion

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"We made it, guys!" exclaims Emma, trying to pull herself up from the well where the portal opened in Storybooke.

Emma finally pulled herself up and landed on the Storybrooke forest floor. She then turned around to help pull up Mary Margaret and the rest of the saviors. They're tired from all the battles they faced in the Enchanted Forest.

"Now," says Emma wiping the sweat from her face with her shirt, "I have to find my son."

"I'm right here, Ms. Swan."

Everyone turns around to see Henry standing with a black cloak on, black bags under his eyes. He steps closer to Emma, an evil grin on his face. Emma gasps as she sees her son, driven by the forces of evil to become the boy standing in front of her.

"Henry," whispers Emma, "What happ-"

Emma's words are cut off when Henry lifts his hand and starts choking Emma with his magic. His grin grows even wider than it already was, as he's choking the life out of his mother. It doesn't even look human anymore.

"Hen...ry," chokes Emma barely audioable, "Wha- what are you... doing."

"What do you think?" he says.

"Emma!" yells Elsa, "I'll help you!"

Elsa lifts her hands, ready to blast Henry with a dose of ice when Emma shouts, "No!"

Emma is just a second late to warn Elsa. Her magic escapes her hands and is blasting full speed toward Henry. He is blasted by the ice and pushed far away by it. He smacks into a tree so hard, that it breaks from the trunk. 

Emma gasps as she regains oxygen back in her system, touching her bruised neck that is turning a blackish hue of purple.

"Henry!" yells Emma hoarsely, causing her to feel extreme pain in her throat.

"Emma!" yells Mary Margaret, "Are you okay? Oh my goodness, your neck! We need to get you to Dr. Wha-"

"I'm fine!" lies Emma, "I need to find Henry."

Mary Margaret backs off, understanding how Emma feels. 

Henry is nowhere to be seen. A pile of Elsa's snow is scattered next to the fallen tree, but the boy isn't in sight.

"I'm so sorry, Emma," says Elsa, touching Emma's shoulder, "I really am."

"It's fine," says Emma, "But from now on, no one does anything to my son except me or if you are given an order from me, agreed?"

Everyone nods.

"Now, where did he go," whispers Emma under her breath.

Something is wrong. Emma can sense it. She mutes everything from her ears. The wind, the birds, the flow of the river, her breaths, and listens very carefully.

"Emma?" whispers Katniss, "What's wron-"

Katniss, being a life-long hunter, stalking up on prey in the woods, senses something too. She feels the hairs on her neck stand.

"I can feel it, too," says Katniss.

Emma nods, "We are not alone."

Just then, seven clouds of purple smoke appear in front of the saviors and Mary Margaret, one after another. Henry, Peeta, Tobias, Teresa, Anna, and Tomas are revealed when the smoke clears. Not too far behind them, one last cloud of smoke appears revealing the one and only mayor of Storybrooke.

"Regina," spits Emma, "What are you doing, now?"

Regina chukles, "Ms. Swan please, you make me laugh. Isn't it obvious, plus, I've said it a billion times since the day I first met your little army in the North Mountain, when I took Katniss' family. I want my happy ending!" 

The Dark Hearted: Book 2 of The Six Saviors Of Storybrooke (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now