The Curse is Coming

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Five minutes have passed after Elsa left the vault but for Emma it feels like hours. She can't just be here doing nothing. She has to find out what the curse did even though the smoke hasn't cleared yet. Emma still can't see a thing. The curse's smoke hasn't clear yet. It may still be covering the town and trying to catch its victim. Emma tries to look for the door by putting her arms in front of her and feeling the wall. She finds an opening and assumes that's the door and starts running. She can hear a crunching sound of what seem like grass which may mean she's outside. Emma looks at the distance and can see something. The sky maybe. She runs toward the clearance and escapes the smoke which hasn't gone that far. It is barely coming out of Regina's vault. Emma starts running again this time toward the town square to warn everyone about the curse. When Emma gets to the square it is total chaos. Somebody beat Emma of warning everyone. Someone is shouting very loudly while running.
"The curse! It's here. The curse is here!" Screams Leroy.
"Emma!" Says Mary Margaret as she walks up to Emma coming out of Granny's diner. "What curse is this? What's happening?"
"Regina." Says Emma. "She enacted the Dark Curse. She said she wanted to banish all the saviors except me. I don't think anyone else is in danger but we better take cover just in case."
"Everyone is at Granny's. We heard Leroy screaming and we all ran here." Says Mary Margaret.
A loud thunder startles Emma and Mary Margaret and they see the purple greenish smoke seeping out of the forest.
"It's coming." Says Emma. "We better get inside." Emma sniffs and wipes away a tear.
Now they're inside the diner which is super crowded by what appears to be the whole town.
"Emma what's wrong?" Says Mary Margaret.
"It's nothing. Have you seen Elsa and the other saviors? I told them to hide." Says Emma.
"No I haven't." Says Mary Margaret. "But why are you crying?"
Emma takes a deep breath.
"Regina. For her to enact the curse, she had to crush the heart of the thing she loved most. And we all know who that was." Says Emma.
Mary Margaret's eyes widen.
"Henry? He's dead?"
Emma hugs her mom just as Leroy enters the diner.
"I've warned the whole town and it seem like everyone is in a shelter. The curse is going to hit any second." He says.
Just on cue, the purple smoke can be seen crossing the street toward the diner. Everyone hushes as the smoke stops at the door and windows and goes up surrounding the building. Through the glass windows and door, the smoke seems to get thicker and thicker and suddenly, the door's glass burst. Everyone screams at the sound.
"Get back!" Yells Emma.
The glass from the window burst too then the second window. The smoke starts seeping in through the glassless doors and windows and quickly starts filling the room. Everyone can see the smoke coming toward them and it is now at their feet. When it starts rising to their faces, everyone starts running and screaming and they starts tripping over one another.
"Stop!" Yells Emma but no one can hear.
People start stepping other people and children crying and no a thing can be seen. The whole time Emma has been holding her mom's hand when suddenly it is pulled away from her.
"Emma!" Yells Mary Margaret.
"Where are you?!" Yells Emma as she fears the worst. Has Regina taken the opportunity to banish her mother, her parents back to the Enchanted Forest?
"Mary Margaret!" Yells Emma.
"Emma!" Yells a deep familiar voice.
"David?" Says Emma. "Is it you?"
"Yes. Where is your mom?" He says.
Then a strong gust of wind starts blowing on them and Emma is blown away and she hits in what she thinks is a wall. The wind is so strong that she is pinned to the wall. Suddenly she falls to the ground when the wind stops and everyone seems to calm down. Emma stands up and sees the smoke begging to clear. She can see everyone one is on the ground and tables and chairs all over the place. As people start to get up and go outside of the diner, Emma can see that her mom isn't anywhere to be seen, nor her father.
"Mary Margaret? David?" Says Emma and runs outside.
"Emma!" Emma turns around and see her parents running toward her.
"Where were you you guys?" Asks Emma.
"We were blown down all the way to Mr. Gold's shop! Can you believe that?" Says Mary Margaret.
"It seems Regina has her magic back completely."
"Wait." Says Emma. "What do you mean completely. Since I've met Regina, she has had magic. Well what I least know of. I was the one who discovered it and told the who town remember?"
"Yes I remember." Says Mary Margaret. "But she had magic way back then. I discovered her way before you got here Emma. I was teaching at school and heard noises in the other room. I was concerned because that room is empty so I went to check and trough the doors window, I saw Regina was talking loudly to a janitor. The janitor gave Regina her phone and Regina watched something on it. She looked up at the janitor and ripped her heart out. I was shocked because of the curse. I didn't know magic was real. She crushed the heart and I saw it turn into sand and the janitor fell to the ground dead. Regina turned and saw me. I quickly ran away back to my class room mortified. Moments later when I was teaching I saw Regina at my door watching me and then she just left."
"But how did the town find out?" Says Emma.
"That night, I went to Regina's office after she went home," says Mary Margaret, "and went through her things. I found the phone she took from the janitor in a cabinet. When I turned the phone on, there was a video. I played it and it was Gold at the well in the forest. The one that has the power to bring back something you lost. Back then it didn't have magic. But in the video, Gold dropped a bottle of what looked like magic and moments later, purple smoke like the curse but more brighter started to come out of the well. Then in the video it showed the town being covered by the smoke. The thing was I didn't t remember any of that. Regina must've erased the town's memory. And she did it again when she cached me in her office. When the curse broke, all those memories came back. When you arrived here, magic was already here and no one knew until you discovered it. Again."
"So if I have magic now, why didn't I have it when I got here?" Says Emma.
"Maybe because you didn't believe?" Says Mary Margaret and then smile. "But now you do and I know you will save us from this situation just like you did with the first curse."
Emma smiles.
"Hate to break this conversation," says David, "but I think that big group of people isn't just taking a peaceful walk. Especially with baseball bats and rocks."
"What are they up to?" Says Emma.
Just then, Archey comes running with his umbrella in hand from the direction of the group.
"Archey, what's going on?" Asks Emma.
"It's- Whale-," says Archey panting, "he's rounded-up people-to kill-Regina."
"We'll they'll save me the trouble. She has to pay for killing Henry." Says Emma.
"Henry?" Says Archey, "what do you mean Regina killed Henry? He was just talking to me to try to convince them not to kill Regina because she's his mother too. I told him I'd find you?"
Emma is stunned. She saw Regina crush his heart.
"This is impossible." Says Emma. Mixed feelings fill Emma when she finds out Henry is alive and Regina tricked her, and why did she trick her, and how could Henry be out in the streets pleading if he's evil. It doesn't make sense. Could it be even true.
"Henry is alive?"

The Dark Hearted: Book 2 of The Six Saviors Of Storybrooke (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now