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"I had it with that witch!" explodes Emma as she paces in circles, a face of excruciating hate is plastered on her.

"You have to calm down, Emma," says Elsa, "or you'll dig a hole on the ground. We will find your mother and save our loved ones."

Elsa tries to console Emma, but Regina went past the line. Regina was right. She did take everything that belonged to Emma, everything she lives for. Elsa puts a hand on Emma but she shoves it away.

"I need a moment to myself, please," says Emma.

"You don't have to this alo-"  Katniss is interrupted by Emma's sudden outburst.

"I said I need to be alone!" shouts Emma, "If I can't trust my friends to just let me be for a minute then I can't trust no one! This always happens to me, it's as if I'm cursed. I can never put my guard down, and when I try to put my walls down to let someone in, they find ways to hurt me. I won't let that happen again."

Emma's eyes are red, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. She stares at her friends, or used- to -be friends. She stares at them with sorrow, and hate. Hate that Regina caused. Deep down, Emma knows that she shouldn't be taking this out on them, the saviors, but that complex mind of hers rushes too fast on everything. 

"I know I recruited all of you to help me," says Emma with a softer tone, "to help me save all these people in this town, get families back together, to break the curse. But maybe, don't you think, that's all you guys were meant to do. What if we were just destined to break the curse together, but I am the one who has to kill Regina? What if you are no longer needed?"

"I know this is hard, Emma," says Elsa softly, not wanting to provoke Emma again, "I felt the same way when I cursed Arendelle. I thought that because I created that mess, that I was supposed to fix it on my own, but I was wrong. It wasn't until I saw my sister dead  that I realized I had made a mistake. We need each other, Emma."

"Oh Elsa," says Emma with a sly chuckle, "But I'm not you, and you aren't me. None of you are."

Emma, still with tears in her eyes, is smiling but crying at the same time. She wipes her tears with the sleeve of her jacket. Her eyes have a hint of... darkness.

"Goodbye, saviors," says Emma and turns around, walking away from her group, but is stopped in her tracks by a force. She turns around and sees Katniss with her hand extended toward her.

"Let go of me, Katniss!" shouts Emma, "This is a game you do not want to play!"

"You can't do this, Emma," shouts Katniss, "You can't kill out of vengeance, hatred, or guilt. I've been down that dark slope. It caused me to kill President Coin, and it almost cost me my life."

"Shut up!" yells Emma, "If you won't let me go, then I'll have to make you."

Emma flicks her wrist, sending a wave of magic around her, hitting the saviors. Instantly,their knees grow weak and they fall to the ground, falling asleep.

"That should keep them at bay while I lock them up somewhere," says Emma, "I can't let them follow me around, risking losing the chance to kill Regina.'

Emma bends down to Katniss and waves her hand by her arm. A gleam of light puts a black, leather cuff on Katniss' wrist.

"She won't be using her magic, anymore."

Emma stands up, dusting away the dirt from her jeans. Again, she waves her hand, making clouds of white smoke engulf the other five, sleeping saviors. It transports them to a jail cell in the sheriff's station, sealing it with blood magic.

Now, Emma is left alone in the forest. It is eerily silent. Not even birds, leaves rustling, or water steaming down the shallow river can be heard. Then, a stick breaks behind Emma. Turning around, there stands the person she had defeated. A figure filled with evil who she thought, and hoped to never see again.

"I can help you get your son, and everything else you've lost, Emma," says Cora with a smirk on her face, standing in front of the well.

The Dark Hearted: Book 2 of The Six Saviors Of Storybrooke (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now