Chapter 5

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Amore's Pov:

If You want to "Bad Guy"- by Billie Eilish could be a good song to listen to while reading this chapter.


"What do you mean what am I doing here?" My arms cross over my chest in offense. I understand that Ashton doesn't care for me and in all honesty, I don't care for him either, actually, I despise his presence, but I am being civil.

"It means exactly what it sounds like." Ashton's eyes shoot daggers in my direction but then they switch to Michael who is still trying to catch his breath next to me. "More importantly, why were who with her?" His chest started to move up and down faster, but not because he was out of breath, no, it is because he is getting more furious by the second.

"We were just talking Ash I don't see why that is such a big deal." Michael finally stood in an upright position and shrugged. The whole group was silent. Luke and Calum tried to focus their eyes on anything but the argument in front of them.

"Micheal you know exactly why it's a big deal!" Ashton's arms are now flailing around as he speaks and he starts to pace.

I was about to say something to try and help mine and Michael's case because he lied and said that we were just talking and I know how it makes him feel to lie to his family like that. But, before any words could come from my mouth another gunshot sounded and screams followed. All five of us turn in the direction of the sound. I waste no time taking the switchblade out from a strap securing it to my thigh underneath my dress.

"You have got to be kidding right? You brought a knife to a gunfight?" Ashton's voice comes from behind me.

"Guns are for people afraid of close combat." I respond but then shush them before any of them could speak. I heard footsteps approaching outside of the ally that we were in, they sounded like heavy combat boots. I put my back against the stone wall and motion for the others to do the same which they do but to no one's surprise Ashton rolls his eyes. The footsteps stop and this gives me the courage to peek around the corner. Very slowly, I move my body but before I can even look a strong arm reaches around the corner and pulls me out from it making a yelp escape from behind my lips.

My back is thrown against the rock wall on the other side and I am suddenly struck with deja vu from when Michael did the same to me a couple of days ago.

"Ah, look who we have here." the man holding me said while the other was on my left. My eyes wander down to what was in his hands and I see a gun. It wasn't just a handheld gun, it was more like a semi-automatic. Yes, my mother has taught me about guns and what to look out for, and what guns certain gangs prefer to use. I automatically connect in my head that these were the two guys who started shooting at the club. "We have been looking all over for you Mi Amore." The first man spoke again and I fought the urge to scoff in his face. There are a select few people who I let call me that.

"Come on, I know she speaks." I turn my head to my left and meet eyes with the second man as he lightly taps my leg with the weapon to let me know that it's there and he can use it.

"Let me guess Lorenzo sent you guys." I make sure that I sound annoyed and not fearful, but I am starting to wonder If the boys used me as an opportunity to make a run for it which would be very bad because I wouldn't have just the two men in front of me to worry about, but my mother back at home because I can't go back to her without any new information."I already know your names are Enzo and Marco. You're Lorenzo's two right-hand men. Isn't that right?" Venom drips from my tone which surprises them but they don't let their tough act falter for long because their stone-cold expressions return to their faces almost as quickly as they left.

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