chapter 21

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*we see Isabela bedridden with Mirabel next to her changing the rag on Isabela's forehead. Isabela's sickness got worse as her body got hotter*

Isabela:I'm so cold please...

*Isabela begged her tone almost crying, Mirabel sighed and placed the cold rag on her forehead*

Mirabel:it's just the fever talking. I can't give you any blankets if we ever want this to break you need to tough it out

*Isabela gave out a weak sob but nodded. Mirabel hugged herself holding back tears she gave Isabela some medicine not too long ago now she's just waiting for them to take affect, hoping it takes affect. Doesn't mean seeing her sister I'm this state isn't heartbreaking, Mirabel is terrified seeing her like this of what will happen*

Isabela:can you sing me a song?

*Isabela croaked out, Mirabel looked at her with a surprised expression*

Isabela:please...s..something to distract me...

*Mirabel sighed thinking about it for a moment before she started

Mirabel:Yo soy rebelde
porque el mundo me ha hecho asi
porque nadie me ha tratado con amor
porque nadie me ha querido nunca oir
Yo soy rebelde...

(I am rebellious because the world has made me like this because no one has treated me with love because nobody has ever wanted to hear me I am rebellious...)

*Isabela tried to look surprised but she was too tired, too weak*

Isabela"That's one of Mirabel's favorite... Was one of her favorites...."

Mirabel:porque siempre sin razon
me negaron todo aquello que pedi
why me dieron solamente incomprension

(because always without reason They denied me everything I asked for and they gave me only misunderstanding)

*Mirabel scooted her chair closer to Isabela and started to pet her hair softly, Isabela closed her eyes enjoying the warmth and comfort it gave her*

Mirabel:why quisiera ser como el niÃo aquel como el hombre aquel que es feliz
why quisiera dar lo que hay en mi
todo a cambio de una amistad

(and I would like to be like the child that like the man that is happy and I would like to give what is in me all in exchange for a friendship)

*Isabela started to remember moments of her past, before Mirabel's ceremony*

Mirabel:why soÃar, why vivir why olvidar el rencor why cantar, why reir why sentir solo amor

(why dream, why live, why forget the rancor, why sing, why laugh, why feel only love)

*Isabela remembered being scared Mirabel was born a month early and the midwife of the encanto told them Mirabel wouldn't live past a few weeks*

Mirabel: Yo soy rebelde
porque el mundo me ha hecho asi
porque nadie me ha tratado con amor
porque nadie me ha querido nunca oir

(I am rebel because the world has made me like this because no one has treated me with love because nobody has ever wanted to hear me)

*Isabela remembered the sleepless night her 7 year old self spend in the nursery looking at her baby sister terrified that if she slept Mirabel would stop breathing*

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