Mirabel Madrigal once the youngest member of the madrigal family she was always a curious little girl always asking questions and touching things one day she touched something she shouldn't following a butterfly she touched the candle burning her...
*Jack Marston was the first to wake up, he looked in front of him at Isabela and Mirabel cuddling together and couldn't help but imagine him and Luisa in the same position very soon*
Jack:just a few more hours and that will be me
*Jack said to himself getting exited. He glanced at the fire and frowned*
Jack:Mirabel, I know your awake, it's your turn to get wood for the fire
*Mirabel gave a soft groan but got up, jack tossed her the prosthetic arm and Mirabel caught it. Mirabel hooked it up to her body. She gave Isabela a quick kiss on the cheek making her squirm in her sleep. Mirabel placed the revolved concealed behind her shirt and walked out with her crossbow in hand *
Mirabel: it rained last night, it'll take me a long while till I find dry wood
Jack:make sure that Isabela doesn't panic and goes to look after you got it
*Mirabel nodded and left she took a deep breath enjoying the morning dew before she went in search for wood*
Scene change
*Mirabel had a good bundle of dried sticks in her armpits and was making her way back to the cave when she stopped, she dropped the sticks and aimed her crossbow to a large bush hearing the snap of a twig*
???:wow wow don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Mirabel:then come out real slow and your hands better be in the air
*The rustling in the large bush continued as a boy fell to the ground, he groaned softly*
Antonio:ow, hi I'm Antonio
Mirabel: the hell is a kid doing out here?
*Mirabel said as she lowered her weapon. The kid got up and smiled at her with a toucan landing on antonio's shoulder*
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Antonio:hey that's a cool crossbow! Where did you get it?, what happened to your arm?
Mirabel:.....god now I remember why I don't work with kids, you didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?
Antonio;and you didn't tell me your name, so I guess we're even. But to answer your question I'm doing my chores
Antonio:yeah, abuela gives us chores to help the encanto
*Mirabel eyes widen as she took a few steps back. Her heart started pounding so hard she was finding it hard to hear anything other then it*
Antonio:yeah, it's the name of my town. Oh! You should come! It's been so long since we've had any visitors!
Mirabel:y..yes, yes, absolutely I would love to see this place
Antonio:great! Dolores I found a girl! Uh. Sorry what's your name?