chapter 28

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*Mirabel woke up with a yawn, she tried to get out of bed but couldn't as Isabela had her arms and legs wrapped around her like a koala, her cheek was rubbing with mirabel, she tried to free herself from the grip of the older woman but Isabela just hugged harder*

Mirabel:you anaconda wake up

*Isabela groaned a little and hid her face on the crook of Mirabel's neck, Mirabel shivers as she feels Isabela's breath tickle her neck. Mirabel gave an annoyed huff and with her hand she pinched Isabela's hand harder and harder until it was red and she woke up*


Mirabel:good your awake get the fuck off me

Isabela:i hate it when you do that...

*Isabela said pouting as she let go of Mirabel, Mirabel hopped out of bed and stretched her body*

Mirabel:unlike you i don't sleep in, i have work to do, today is no different we've got a lot of shopping to do since my clothes are 2 sizes to small for you. And you did rip one

Isabela:i said i was sorry!

Mirabel:no, you tried to put the blame on Gabriela, not wolf Gabriela, doll Gabriela

Isabela:she said it would fit me!

*Isabela said with a blush of embarrassment, Mirabel rolled her eyes and took off her nightgown*

Mirabel:sure sure, I'll take a shower first then you. Today's Friday so the Marston will be joining us on breakfast

Isabela:the Marston?

Mirabel:good people, the father John is an awkward gruff man who also got scars ln his face only he got attacked by a pack of wolves instead of a bear

*Mirabel saw Isabela flinched at that but as always Mirabel ignored it*

Mirabel;his wife Abigail a stuffy woman that's the towns school teacher and finally there son jack an extroverted kid that loves his books

*Mirabel grabbed her towel and left for the bathroom, the second Mirabel closed the door, Isabela's leg started to move up and down feeling nervous of Being alone, more specifically of not being able to see Mirabel. She hugged herself and bit her lip hard enough that a little bit of blood fell from her lip, she quickly got up got undressed and followed Mirabel to the bathroom opening the door instantly hearing Mirabel groaned annoyed*

Mirabel;Isabela you have got to be kidding me! I can't even take a shower by myself?!

Isabela:i scared

*Mirabel gave a long groan and opened the curtain*

Mirabel;just hurry up in your washing my back for this

*Isabela got a shy smile and got inside hugging Mirabel by her waist*

Isabela:I'm sorry about this....

Mirabel:your lucky I'm so...nice

Isabela:i know i just...get scared, so scared that something will happen...

Mirabel: let's....just get this over with grab me the soap

Scene change

*After the shared shower was finished Isabela and Mirabel walked down and saw Hosea serving up the food on the table*

Hosea: it's about time you lazy bums woke up

Mirabel:screw off it's Friday i know you ain't doing nothing today now shut it and serve me

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