Chapter 4: The Trial: Pt.2

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My Fingers want to die right now 🤣
Anyways, ENJOY!!!
(A/N: we'll skip to when Blue Zircon was asking Blue Diamond for her palanquin.)

(Reader's pov)

I sat in my throne as Blue Zircon was making her case, I do admit I was getting bored.
"it's indisputable that as the Diamond overseeing Earth, Pink was Rose Quartz's enemy. Rose had everything to gain by shattering her." She began, the sweat could be easily seen rolling down her face. "But even though she wanted to shatter Pink Diamond, could she?..." Blue Zircon said, creating suspension in the room.

I looked at Yellow, she raised a brow in sudden interest. "Blue Diamond, for the purpose of this argument, may I present your palanquin?" Blue Zircon requested. "Is this necessary?" Yellow asked, but Blue looked at her, "Isn't it? Please, proceed." Blue answered. She summoned her large blue palanquin behind Rose, letting the zircon continue her argument.
Blue Zircon began walking up to the palanquin, "Now as the records show Pink Diamond was shattered just outside a palanquin, much like this. Witnesses said that Pink had stepped out and had only taken a few steps forward when Rose attacked her from the front." The zircon said.

I sighed in sadness, so did Blue. It hurt thinking about that terrible event, but Blue Zircon kept going. "The question no one seems to be asking is 'how.?'" she said.

Blue got a little defensive, "I've been asking that question." Blue said, the zircon got ven more nervous. "A-and.. right you, at the time Pink was shattered, Rose Quartz had been a recognized threat for several hundred years."
I was pulled into what the gem was saying, though the things she's pointing out I already knew, so did Yellow and Blue.

It reminded me when Pink was begging us to stop the colony. The active threat of Rose Quartz was one of them.....


(Second person)

You were looking through documents on one of your colonies. You were in your Skybase at the time, sitting on your throne in your (c/c) palanquin, some of your personal attendance gems were there.

Suddenly a ruby ran up to you, doing the salute, "My Diamond!" She said, you looked up from your documents, "What is it ruby 83X?" You asked, slightly aggravated at the sudden interruption.
"Pink Diamond is here to see you!" The ruby announced, as soon as those words left the gem's mouth your mood began to brighten.

The ruby stepped out of the way for Pink Diamond, she had her Pearl with her.
You felt bad for Pink, there was a terrible accident with her first pearl. She accidentally cracked the Pearls gem, and although she healed her, her eye was never fixed.
So White took her Pearl, Yellow and Blue gave her the new one she roams with currently.
"(C/n)" said Pink, you closed the documents to talk to Pink. "Hello Pink, I'm glad you're here, how's the colony going?" You asked happily, for some reason Pink looked gloomy.

"I'm afraid I'll need to call the colonization off.." she said. You sighed, you heard from Yellow and Blue that Pink had been trying to make excuses to not run the colony she's been begging for.
"Pink, I know you're trying to make excuses, and I know running one is a lot of work. But you can't keep making excuses not to have one." You said.

"But (c/n)! There's so much life on the planet!" Pink pleaded, her hands put together in a begging manner.
"Organic life....." You said, darkening your tone little. Pink looked directly at you, "I just.....I just want to preserve the life on Earth." She said.
You thought for a moment, you could consider taking some humans to custody...

"Fine." You say, Pink looks up at you, her eyes gleaming with her diamond-shaped pupils. "We will make a zoo, and put some humans in it. So you can enjoy the presence of these strange creatures and still finish your colony." You say, but before Pink can protest you interrupted her.

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