Chapter 13: Battle of Heart and Mind

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Cheese- MaskHappy

(C/D's pov)

"Who's responsible for this?" Yellow asked.
We all turn over to the ships as Yellow's ship lowers down. I was nervous, but it washed away as the bubble emerged and revealed the bismuth that I remember seeing earlier on Earth.

"I always wanted to uppercut an upper crust!" She said, pretty satisfied with herself. "Bismuth!" Steven and Connie said in unison rushing over to say hi.
"You came!" Steven said in relief.
"Heck yeah we did!" Bismuth replied.
Wait, did she say 'we'?

"We?" Asked Steven. Bismuth turned to Blue's ship as it lowered down. "Of course!" She said.
A bubble rose up from the palm and revealed the lapis and peridot back when we went to Earth. So it's Steven's friends! How did they manage to control the ships?
"You thought we wouldn't be here at a time like this?!" Peridot said excitedly.

"Lapis Lazuli and Peridot!" Steven cheered. Lapis spread her water wings and lifted off while the Peridot levitated on some.... Metal plate thingy? I didn't know peridots could do that!
They flew all the way towards us until they landed right next to Bismuth.
"That felt great." Said Lapis. "Wasn't that cool, Steven?" Said Peridot, "Check out the awesome job we did at fixing those hand ships!" Her words cut short as soon as the thumb on Yellow's ship fell off. I think I'm glad White took my shop from Earth so it's not like that...

"Uhhhh, who needs thumbs?" Peridot said in an attempt to joke it off. "Very cute," the unnerving voice of White rang through my ears, but it was White Pearl talking, she was levitating on what appears to be a half-bubble.
"Glad to see we're having fun, however White Diamond has certain issues with your conduct that will need to be addressed before we move forward." She said as the bubble slowly covered her and flew between Yellow and Blue. I swallow a lump in my throat, this is bad.
Yellow turns to Steven. "Steven, quickly! Use one of our ships to get home!"
"Huh?" Steven was confused.
"Yes! You have another chance!" Blue says as she glances at Steven, "Take my arm, fly to Earth, Yellow, (C/n), and I will keep White distracted."

"Blue, Yellow, (C/n)..." He said in sadness. "Don't worry Steven, we understand now." I said, smiling warmly at him.
"This way of living, it must've been like torture for you," Yellow said. I turned around, seeing as White's ship was already getting up.
"Just go- hurry! She's getting up!" I yelled.
"No. No! I won't go! Pink Diamond ran away from you, my mom, Rose Quartz, she started a war with you, but- I don't wanna run! I don't wanna fight- I just want to talk!" Steven says firmly, "We've come so far just to get White Diamond's attention, and now we finally have it! If we can fix our family, we can fix everything!"

"But in order to fix it, we have to admit that it's broken" Blue arguing. Time was running out, either we have Steven leave or let White punish us, but we must do something!
At this point White's ship has fully recovered and is back on its feet.
"She'll never wanna hear it," said Yellow.
"But it's the truth!" Steven protested.

"My mom, back on Earth used to have so many rules for me to follow, it was so overwhelming and it made me feel miserable. After I told her how I was feeling, things got way better between us, she even let me come out to space to help Steven! If White knew how unhappy she's made you feel, maybe everything would change!" Connie said.
Blue looked at both of us, "What do you say Yellow, (C/n)? Do you think White might actually listen to us for a change?" She asked, still uncertain.

Yellow looked down for a moment, "It's worth a try," I don't know... White is the most hardheaded gem on Homeworld, it's a fifty-fifty chance she'll either listen or bubble us all, but... We can't keep running and staying silent forever, we came here to fix the issue, not ignore it.
"Okay, let's try it." I said, trying to look determined.
Together, both Yellow and Blue took control of their ships, moving them towards White to finally complete the body and confront White. One by one, they grab the shoulders of the ship and force the limbs back together, first Blue's, then Yellow's. Finally, they lower their hands down to let us climb up.

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