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yoks: me too gurl
Mindy: Lesbi besties
Yoks: yass gurl
Ambs<3: Tf
Mindy: hi ambersss
Ambs<3: hey Minds
Ensx: hey everyone
Minds: hi girly are you gay
Ensx: what no I suppose I was just experimenting with Wednesday and she already knows

Weds<3 changes her name to Tar<3

Tar<3: hey guys
Divina: Wednesday or tara whatever can I ask you a question
Yoks: nahhh jit trip in and I'm asking the question
Divina: ok babe
Yoks: ok your names Tara right
Tar<3: yeah...
Yoks: you dated Enid right
Tar<3: yeah...
Yoks: and the question we all want know ...

Was you experimenting?

Tar<3: what
Yoks: are you this straight popular bitch
Tar<3: popular? Me hahaha now that is funny
Ambs<3: remember when we used to skip English every time and the teacher didn't even catch on
Tar<3: yeah oh god I miss you guys
Yoks: Uhm you haven't answered my question
Tar<3: what question
Yoks: are you this straight little bitch
Mindy: Tara STRAIGHT I don't even think  she knows the fucking definition of straight
Ambs<3 : oh Tara's definitely gay
Tar<3: Ambbbssss
Ambs<3: sowy
Yoks: Tara can we get your

Tar<3: what Yoks: are you this straight popular bitch Tar<3: popular? Me hahaha now that is funny Ambs<3: remember when we used to skip English every time and the teacher didn't even catch on Tar<3: yeah oh god I miss you guys Yoks: Uhm you haven'...

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Yoks: awww is that you mindy bestie
Minds: no that's ambs
Yoks: yooo who's that with her
Minds: ummm
Yoks: anyway where do you live not in a stalker way .
Minds: in Woodsboro
Divina: ghostface
Ambs<3: yeah....

Ensx: oh hey Tara and Amber
Tar<3: how's you and ajax x
Ensx: were good thanks are u ok
Tar<3: yeah I'm good just really missing my best friends

Sam entered the chat

Sam: Hiya
Tar<3: Sam
Sam: oh hi
Ambs<3: wait for it
Tar<3: hi Sam
Sam: are you coming back to woodsboro t
Tar<3: acc yes im already here
Yoks: wait you moved without telling us...
Tar<3: sorry
Yoks: nah its OK were gonna come soon
Mindy: im just glad Amber will stop playing the heart wants what it wants tbh
Yoks: ohh I love that
Minds: nah she was fucking pining over Tara it was on repeat All bleeding day and night

And Enid love yes they was a thing

Ambs<3: Tara hurry up
Tar<3: gees I can only go as fast as humanly possible love
Yoks: aw she said love

Ambs<3: you know what I really like
Tar<3: what x

Ambs<3: YOU

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