431 8 3

Tar<3: IM a
Minds: continue
Yoks: uh huh I wanna hear this
Tar<3: person
Divina: huh boring morning everyone
Minds and yoks: morning D
Ambs<3: hey party people
Tar<3: heyy ambs
Divina: what she gets a hey and I don't
Ensx: hi
Yoks: hi baby cakes
Tar<3: what -
Ambs<3: I misssssss uuuuuuu
Yourguyx: I'm scarred
Yoks: I'm cold
Mindy: im not sober
Divina: I'm annoyed
Ensx: I'm tired
Ambs<3: I'm horny
Tar<3: and I'm a LeSbIaN
Minds: cool cool

Sam appears in the chat

Sam: what are you gay tara
Tar<3: hmm what uh you  were calling me ambs
Tar<3: whatttttttt
Sam: tell me
Tar<3: no
Tar<3: no
Sam: yes
Tar<3: I am as gay as Cheryl blossom
Sam: wtf is cheryl blossom
Tar<3: this is borderline disgusting behaviour how can you not know who cheryl blossom is
Minds: she's very gay
Sam: so you are gay
Tar<3: maybe, maybe not
Sam: ok ill get it out of you
Tar<3: ??
Sam: wes or Chad
Tar<3: Chad why
Sam: chad or Amber
Tar<3: mommy
*tar<3 unsent that message*
Yoks: I saw that 🤣🤣🤣
Tar<3: stfu
Sam: answer the damn question
Tar<3: I'm a lesbian ok and I pick Amber
Minds: aw Chad is sad he has no chance
Sam: ikr
Ensx: popcorn
Yoks: Yooo Sam I heard that your exboyfriend was a fucking pyscho
Sam: I don't-

Tar<3 removed Sam

Tar<3: what she was pissing me off
Ambs<3: it's ok babe
Minds: ahhhhhhhh
Yoks: Enid you literally left the moat perfect woman on planet LOOK-

Ambs<3: I want to fuck you -
Tar<3: ok
Minds: ok I would low-key smash you If we weren't best friends
Yoks:Same tbh but i wouldn't swap divina
Ensx: damn
Yourguyx: uhm brown is really Tara's colour
Tar<3: thanks thing love you boo <3
Ambs<3: heyo tara
Tar<3: I know I'm coming
Minds: what you 2 doing
Yokw: yeah what u
Tara muted the group

Divina: are they having sex —
Yoks: Probs
Minds: Amber's a little horny notherfucker
She's also gonna kill ne when she sees this message
Yoks: tbh I didn't even know they liked each other
Minds: its complicated.....
They do like each other but .........

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