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Ambs<3: hey mffff
Minds: heyyy love
Yoks: morning xd
Ensx: what's everyone doing
Ambs<3: drinking?
Minds: yo I'm stalking tara
Yoks: cuddling with Divina <3
Ens<3: what's tara doing and why are you drinking Amber
Ambs<3: I'm sad
Minds: Tara's smoking 🚬
Ensx: she doesn't seem like that kind of person
Minds: oop now she's....
Tar<3: imm here ya know
Minds: oh hi yo can I come smoke with you
Tar<3: sure why not Just get pass Sam first
Yoks: she doesn't know you smoke
Tar<3: does she fuck
Ambs<3: ill bring the vodka
Sam: what are you guys doing
Tar<3: umm pretending to smoke
Sam: mhm what's that in your hand
Minds: umm I bought some knew biscuits that are cigarette shaped
Sam: mk then what's the bottle
Ambs<3: what bottle
Sam: the one in your trousers
Ambs<3: oh no that's just my dick right tara
Tar<3: umm yeah
Yoks: how would you know
Ambs<3: not helping
Tar<3: it's vodka Sam
Sam: Tara -
Minds: Tara's just downed half the bottle
Ambs<3: five seconds
Tar<3: hiyyyyaaaa
Sam: oh fuck
Yoks: wait I'm using this as an opportunity oktara I'm gonna ask you some questions
Tar<3: dude thst was a joke no ones even drinking but shoot
Yoks: nvm let's just play truth or dare text version
Divina: ok
Ambs<3: eh it won't kill me I don't think
Tar<3: okeydokey
Yoks: I'll ask first umm mindy truth or dare
Minds: dare always
Yoks: text your crush your favourite song lyrics and keep putting love hearts at the end .... then screenshot it
Minds: nahhh omg fine

The screenshot: (if u don't know the song imma cry)

Minds: Fine were damaged really damaged but that does not make us wise ❤️

Anika : were not special were not different we Don't choose who lives and dies ❤️❤️

End of screenshot:

Tar<3:that's my favourite song
Minds: ik I couldn't think of my own

Yoks: ok umm mindy it's your turn to ask

Minds: ummmm tara truth or dare
Tar<3: truth
Minds: ooh OK uhh truthfully speaking I'm only asking cause you never specified.
What's your sexuality?
Sam: she's straight isn't she
Tar<3: my sexuality
Minds: yea....are you straight and just dated Enid cause well idk for fun or experimental games (I kissed a girl reference)
Ensx:did u
Tar<3: *deep breath * nah I..........hold up Amber babe I need your help
Ambs<3: uh huh with what
Tar<3:what's my sexuality
Ambs<3: what why
Minds:  answer the DaMn question
Ambs<3: Tara oh she's definitely a lesbian ngl
Tar<3: see
Minds: sweet now wes can't pine over you
Tar<3: Amber truth or dare
Ambs<3: a dare never killed no one
Tar<3: imma play it safe and say post five pictures of your celebrity crush and then send a vid of your actual crush
Ambs<3:u said you were playing it safe but fine

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