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Minds: heyooooo

Yoks: hai bestieeee

Minds: what we doing todayyys


tar<3: ill come and watch it with you  <3
Divina: awwwww lesbians

Ensx: hey guys

Tar<3: Ensss were u been

Ensx: with my stupid mother

Yoks: ih no baby cakes u ok

Ensx: yeah bet I just told her to fuck off and my dad high fived me after

(Wes Is still alive in this he will briefly be in the chat)

Tar<3: oh My fucking god

Minds: what up tarbear

Tar<3: WeS fUcKiNg HiCkS Is what

Ambs<3: what's he done do I need to kill anyone

Minds added wesH to the chat

Minds: what do you have to say for yourself

WesH: I like tara ?

Yoks: huh no you don't

WesH: yes i do and wtf are you?

Divina: your worst nightmare

WesH: Tara tell them

Tar<3: ok your a skunk

Ambs<3:  ☠

WesH: oh you bitch - stop hitting on my girlfriend

Tar<3: wes..... wes.....wes I will never like you

WesH: why? ........ yes you will ill make sure ..

Tar<3: I'm a fucking lesbian you dumb bitch

WesH: fucking Amber I knew it you turned her into a Lesbian

Tar<3: your gonna wish you never lived if you say that again

WesH: fucking Amber I knew it you turned her into a Lesbian

Ghostface entered the chat

Ghostface: your wish is my command tara

Ghostface exited the chat

Sam: ooop -

Mindy: im gonna ask you to never say that again and wtf

Tar<3: at least me or Amber didn't have to do it

Ambs<3: could of been me you never know

Minds: bitch you've been cuddling tara for the last 3 hours-

Yoks: this is weird – I love it tbh

So I might do face reveal and wanted to know if anyone has  questions you want me to answer

Let me know x (I'll probs be on wattpad for the rest of the night)

Feel free to ask any x

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