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Mindy: hey hey lesbians

Amber: huh

Mindy: I knew that was gonna summon u

Amber: well hurry up I ain't spending all night writing  this I Need sleep

Mindy: hush don't break the fourth wall

Amber: soz

Yoko: heyyy

Divina: yeah heyyy

Ens: I'm rlly tired

Amber: tars still asleep

Anika: ik

Amber: wait- h

Anika: chill its a joke ambs

Mindy:  💧 calm down hoes I ain't got all night

Tar: alright which ONE OF YOU LITTLE FUCKERS WOKE ME UP  😠 😡 👿 😤 😒

Yoko: shit I'm scared um cya

Divina: bye

Ens: I'm tired

Minds: umm I was ummm.............. sleeping ........... yeah um. ........ sleeping?

Amber: dig yourself a little deeper there meeks

Mindy: hey she hasn't told you off yet so yeah

Tar: amby ♡ I would never have a go at her unless it was major but meeks start packing

Anika: can I help

Mindy: your supposed to be my girlfriend

Anika: and is that supposed to mean anything?

Mindy: yeah in romance movies the lover is supposed to........ oh nvm

Tar: I'm still tired

Mindy: k

Anika: I'm going to sleep guys good night

Amber: night

Mindy: night babe ill be In soon

Tara: goodnight GO TO SLEEP

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