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Minds: I've got bad news

Ambs<3: yeah

Yoks: what's wrong

Divina: yeah whats up

Ensx: yeah is everything alright

Minds: uhm no not rlly

Ambs<3: ghostface is back

Yoks: What

Divina: like the one who goes around with a mask on killing people

Minds: yeah ...

Ensx: whats happened

Ambs<3: uhm tara was attacked

Yoks: what

Divina: is she OK

Minds: she's barely holding on

Ambs<3: it's bad really bad


"Mindy I Don't know what I'm gonna do if she doesn't pull through " Amber panicked

" why you in love with her" mindy joked

Amber glared at mindy causing mindy to quickly regret making a joke at that time

"Not the time mindy and yeah maybe I am"

A doctor comes into the waiting room

"Anybody here for tara carpenter" the doctor asked

Mindy and Amber both stood up and went over to the doctor keen to find out what happened to tara.

"Tara was stabbed about 7 times, her leg is definitely broken and she's lost a lot of blood so she is severely dehydrated" the doctor said

"Is she gonna pull through " Amber asked anxiously

"Yeah she is she will be awake soon but we will be keeping her under observation for quite a while her leg is pretty badly broken, it appears the attacker has purposefully crushed her leg " the doctor replied

Amber and mindy looked at each over not knowing what to say.

The doctor walked to taras room and peeped inside and walked back to Amber and tara.

"She's awake are you a relative of hers" the doctor questioned

"uhm she's my girlfriend" Amber said and mindy looked over surprised

"And I'm one of her best friends " mindy piped in

"OK just this once I'll let you in " the doctor said leading mindy and Amber over to Tara's room

Amber twisted the door knob quietly and her and mindy entered the silent room

"Amber" tara exclaimed

"Tara" Amber half shouted back running over to the side of the bed

"I thought I was going to die and I couldn't stop thinking about you I just thought maybe I just thought about us" tara cried

Amber lay on the bed wrapping her arms around her girlfriend leaving mindy at the door wondering.


She's awake ❤️

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ChadM: glad sending love tara

Ensx: hope she's OK send my love too

Yokoloko: good she's awake

Mindymoon: I'm legit 3rd wheeling now

Tarasbitch: shut up be happy

Raerae: ikr be glad I'm alive

Divina: tara

Raerae: I'm on alot of pain Meds but I'm still breathing. That fucker will have to try harder next time

Ensx: I'll come to woodsboro and visit soon T

Raerae: ok looking forward to it x

Tarasbitch: on that note tara is a little tired so we'll talk to u guys tomorrow

Yoks: ofc

Divina:  you got it x

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