3. Maybe I Dont Hate Him

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【Scaras Pov】

I wasn't the type to fall in love instantly infact I have never fallen in love with someone, but here I am crushing on Kazuha. Someone I met 2 days ago. It was crazy how I instantly fell in love with him over a kiss, but there was something about him that made my heart race and made me feel weak around him.

When I woke up, I saw Kazuha was gone, I saw a note on my bed and read it,

"Dear Scaramouche,
I enjoyed our time yesterday and how you let me stay over. It was very thoughtful of you and your mom. I met your other mom too, their both really kind people. I like being friends with you, Scaramouche. Until next time, maybe we can plan another fun outing together, but next time, just you and me together.
From your friend, Kazuha"

I couldn't help but squeeze the note against my chest. It was so perfectly written, and his handwriting was really pretty. I wanted to spend more time with him, but I didn't want him to get overwhelming, especially since we just met not so long ago. But I had to text him at least.

S: Kazuha, I saw your letter. I really loved hanging out with you, too. Thank you, Kazuha.

I waited impatiently for a response, but he left me on read. Maybe it was something I said? I started to panic, not wanting our friendship to fall apart, but then I saw him typing. But then he stopped. And then he started typing again. But then he stopped again. Why was it so stressful waiting for a response.

While I waited for him to respond, I thought I might look for a job since I would need to make money if I ever moved out. I searched for some jobs on a website, and that's when I just did an application for Starbucks. I wasn't expecting them to hire me, but after about a week or two, I actually got hired.

It was my first day on the job, so I was nervous. One wrong move, and I could easily get fired. But I really needed this job. I got dressed and drove to Starbucks. I walked inside and spoke to the manager for a bit and began to work. Apparently, I had a partner who would help me make the orders. Her name was Mo-? M-ouw-na? Something like that. She came in and told me the orders and I prepared them.

"So what's your name?" She asked me

"Scaramouche, but you can call me Scara if you want, I don't really care. Just call me something."

"Alright then, Scara, is it your first day here?"


"Oh well, my name is Mona."

"Nice to meet you, I guess."

"Same to you, haha."

After a few hours, our shift finally ended. I forgot that working was hard and not an easy thing. If only there was an easy and fast way to make money.

"See you tomorrow, Scara!" Mona waved at me

"See you!" I waved back

We ended up becoming pretty good friends. I got her number and everything. I went to the gas station to get some gas. I went inside to buy some lottery tickets as well.

"Hey, could I get some lottery tickets?" I asked

"Yeah, how many do you want?"

"Just 3"

I paid and got my tickets. I saw Heizou there. Why was he everywhere I went and then he saw me.

"Scara? Oh, hey, long time no see, right? I should give you my number."

"Hey Heizou."

We unfortunately exchanged numbers, but then Heizou pushed my hair away from my eyes.

"Have anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are, Scara? I mean their just glowing its gorgeous."

I didn't understand what he said. Was he talking to me? Or some other person named Scara.

"O-Oh? Really well, thank you -"

"Oh my, and your hair. The way the moons light reflects on it. It's shining. it's like there's stars in your hair."

I couldn't help but blush. Why was I blushing? I hated him.. didn't I? What is this. I was only meant to feel this for Kazuha.. Right..?

"Well, I'll text you later gorgeous, maybe we should plan an outing together, just you and me."

"I- yea definitely, um.. I'll text you later."

And he got in his car and drove away. What just happened..? Why did it.. why did he... why was he.. so.. so.. I don't know what to say. I felt paralyzed just standing there. I went into my car and drove back home.

I checked my phone, and there was still no answer from Kazuha. Sadly. But Heizou texted me so I didn't feel as lonely. Maybe I don't hate him.

H: hey ur scara right?

S: Yea it's me

H: hey gorgeous, whatcha up to? xx

S: I was just about to take a shower

H: random question but do you wash your hair?

S: Yea at least 3 times a week

H: no wonder your hair is as glowing, beautiful, and smooth haha

S: thank you haha

H: no prob gorgeous xx

S: I'll ttyl

H: same here, enjoy your shower xx

S: You too
S: I meant if you're going to
S: I didn't mean you too
S: My bad

H: don't worry Ichika <33

S: what does that mean?

H: It means one thousand flowers gorgeous

S: Oh haha that's cute

H: ur cute

S: thank you

Why was he so flirty. I mean I enjoyed the affection but it made me really flustered. But I'm just gonna go shower.
I went to shower and when I finished I saw a message from Kazuha.

K: Don't mention it haha. Maybe we can plan something for Saturday? If your free of course

S: Yea I'm free where do you feel like going?

K: Hm.. Maybe we could go on a boat ride to Sumeru?

S: Sumeru? Well, I don't see why not

K: Guess it's a plan then.

S: See you

I haven't been to Sumeru for a while, and I might run into Nahida, so maybe if we miss our boat, we'll at least have a place to stay. She was basically like a mom to me. She was comforting like one. Then I got another text from Kazuha.

K: Maybe Heizou could come too

S: Sure

Even though he said just us on the letter, he probably just forgot. I just wanted to have a good time, I guess.

And Heizou and I were more like friends now, I guess. I was looking forward to seeing them. I couldn't wait to see Kazuha. And Heizou.

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