5. So, This is Love?

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【Scaras Pov】

K: scara?

S: yea

K: Did you get home safely? You ran so fast Heizou and I couldn't find you

S: im fine

K: I'm sorry about what happened.. you know.. when you told Heizou and I you liked us
K: I just don't want you to be sad
K: And I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship
K: Of course I love you as a friend but I don't know if I like you more than that
K: I'm sorry, scara

I didn't answer, I just stared at my phone. I wanted to cry again, but I didn't want my mom and Miko to get worried again. Eventually, we got to the ice cream shop, and surprisingly, I saw Mona there.

"Scara! Hey Scara, everything alright? You haven't been at work lately."

"Oh hey, I'm fine. I just took a break, I'll be back on Monday."

"Oh, alright! I'll talk to you later, see you!"


Mona left the ice cream shop and drove away. My mom insisted on me getting some ice cream, but I didn't feel like it. So just my mom and Miko got some. Then we went for a little walk around a park nearby.

Then, all 3 of us sat on a bench. As my mom and Miko were talking, I was using my phone. I saw a text from Heizou.

H: scara

S: ???

H: Where did you run off to?

S: home

H: Oh
H: Why did you run away?

S: Because I felt like it

H: Or did you just run because you confessed to us?
H: it's not our fault if we don't feel the same
H: Not everything can go your way, scara
H: The world doesn't revolve around what you say or do
H: So stop making it such a big deal

I hated him now. Even though I just said I loved him. Why was loving people so hard? I actually felt something, love. But it made everything worse. I wish everything went my way, and my way only.

I hated love. I wish it never existed, and people would feel the same way I felt. If I couldn't have love, then nobody else should. My mom and Miko told me it was time to go, so we went inside the car, and my mom started to drive. I, at a recent text, I just got. Why was everyone texting me? Can't they tell me I don't want to talk to them. How brain-dead can people possibly be? And of course, it was from Childe.

C: scara
C: scara
C: scara
C: scafa
C: scara*


C: Hi

S: I hate you

C: Oh, come on, I haven't even told you the news yet

S: ok, whatever
S: Hurry up and tell me

C: wana, come to my sleepover

S: wanna*

C: Yes or no

S: No

C: Yes or yes

S: or

C: Yes, yes

S: Bye


S: You said that about your party, but it was shit

C: pleaseee

S: Will you stop texting me?

C: Probably not

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