7. Why did this all happen to me?

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【Heizou's pov】

H: scaraa
H: scaraaaaa

S: god, what

H: hey cutie
H: I miss you
H: we should hang out

S: You could've told me that sooner
S: and u probably shouldn't call me cutie anymore, just a suggestion

H: Oh? What's come up?

S: kazuha and I are dating

H: what?

S: were dating

H: oh. </3

S: sorry
S: we can still hang out tho

H: I'll just ask kazuha

S: k

I couldn't believe it. How could kazuha date scaramouche and not me? I've probably known kazuha longer than him.. I need to call kazuha.

"Hey Heizou!"

"Kazuha.. we need to talk."
"Are you busy today? Let's go to a cafe"

"O-oh? Okay"
"What time will you be expecting me?"


"Sounds good!"

Kazuha hung up and so did I
I waited impatiently til it was finally 7pm.

We met up at our favorite Cafe and to my surprise I saw scaramouche there with him. Holding hands.

"Kazuha, there you are cutie <33"

"Hey Heizou!"

【Scaras pov】

What the fuck is Heizou's problem? Can't he tell that kazuha is taken. And Kazuha didn't even say anything about Heizou calling him a cutie. Relationship goals where?

"Um. Heizou. Can you not call Kazuha that?" I death stared him

"Whats wrong with me calling him cutie? It's a compliment! Unfortunately for you I can't compliment you... your just not fit for compliments." Heizou smirked at me

"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
I said getting angrier

"C-calm down you two. Let's just go sit at a table." Kazuha said awkwardly

"Kazuha.." I mumbled

Kazuha grabbed my arm and sat down with me. He was starting to piss me the fuck off. What's wrong with him?

"So, kazuha about what I wanted to talk to you about.. it was supposed to just be a conversation between you and me." Heizou looked at me

"Oh, was it? Why don't we step outside for a bit." Kazuha smiled at him

They took at least 15 minutes and when they came back they were smiling at eachother. This made me feel uneasy.

"Scara.. I have to tell you something."

"Kazuha.. please don't tell me what I think your gonna tell m-"

Heizou then cut me off,
"He likes both of us scaramouche, that's what."

"No. No. No..NO. KAZUHA, TELL ME YOUR JOKING." I started to shout as people turned to look at me.

Heizou just stood there smiling at me

Kazuha then turned to me,
"Scara.. please calm down. We can have a threesome."

I cringed saying that out loud

Kazuha looked at Heizou then at me

"Scaramouche, you can deal with it or leave." Heizou hissed at me


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