We have an enhanced in the field!

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The mission had gone to Hell. In fact it went so far south that it was no longer in Hell but was instead in its own plane of eternal damnation! What was supposed to be just a simple recon mission to gather some information on Strucker, one of Hydra's scientists, quickly went awry when it was discovered that inside the building the Hydra team was operating out of, Loki's scepter was being used, so the mission turned from recon to retrieval.

Which Clark had no problem with. It was the fact that Thor was so hellbent on getting the scepter back and returning it to Asgard that he ran off to who knows where alerting everyone inside the facility of their presence. So the team of heroes leapt into action. Cap on his bike, Nat Clint and himself in the jeep, Thor and Tony flying through the air, and Bruce rampaging around as the Hulk.

"I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint said shooting one of the many soldiers with an arrow.

"Really Clint?" Clark said, teleporting behind another soldier and snapping their neck. "I thought the hundreds of soldiers with high tech guns and tanks that fire lasers attacking us was just the routine patrol!"

"Ha, Ha very funny asshole. Don't you have a scepter to retrieve?" Clint said.

"If you haven't noticed I'm a little busy here!" Clark Spat back.

"Ladies if you two are done bickering I could use a little more fire up front." Nat said.

The two men then focused their attacks towards the front of the jeep as Nat drove through the woods getting ever closer to the building.

"Barricade! Boys jump!" Nat shouted.

The three assassins jumped out of the jeep using the propulsion from the sudden turn and ejection, Thor on the other side of Clint, Cap, Bruce, and Tony on the other side of Nat with Clark being in the middle as they continued to charge against the soldiers.

Tony continued flying as he got closer to the building before suddenly hitting a force field.

"SHIT!" Tony exclaimed in discomfort and annoyance.

"Language!" Steve replied.

"Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve then asked.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield, Strucker's technology is well beyond any Hydra base we've taken." The A.I replied

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount a defense without it. At long last." Thor said taking down a few more soldiers with Mjolnir.

Nat threw a grenade into one of the trucks the soldiers were using and blew it up, she then fought two more soldiers taking them down by snapping their necks, sighing as she did.

"At long last is taking a little long, boys." She said.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that cap just said, language?" Tony said into the comms.

"I know." Steve said with a sigh. He proceeded to then jump up onto his motorcycle and flip over it, using the momentum to throw it into one of the soldier's trucks. "It just slipped out."

Meanwhile a little further back in the woods Clint was behind a tree, there was a bunker not too far from him that was keeping him from advancing and would prove to be a problem for everyone else. He quickly pulled an explosive arrow out of his quiver and loaded it into his bow. He waited for the right moment, came out of cover, pulled back the string and released the arrow but something ran by and grabbed the arrow before it could make an impact. Clint hid behind the tree again before readying another arrow and getting ready to release it.

But before he could he was hit by something running past. When Clint got his bearings back he looked up to see a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties in sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a jacket. His hair was a silvery white and he had a little scruffy beard.

"What, you didn't see that coming?" The young man said before speeding off.

Clint grumbled to himself as he got up unaware that the bunker he was trying to get rid of before that encounter had readied one of their canons until it was too late. Clint was suddenly filled with an agonizing and searing pain as the plasma bolt hit his side injuring him.

"Clint!" Nat said as she ran over to her friend.

"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve said after having his own encounter with the speedster.

"Clint's hit pretty bad guys." Nat said as she began providing medical aid to the injured archer. "Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?" Nat said annoyed.

Hulk then came running through the trees and crashed through the bunker pulverizing it and anyone inside

"Thank you." Nat replied.

"Wait a minute. Clark where the heck are you?" Tony asked into the comms.

"Inside the facility. Y'all were taking too long so I teleported inside." Clark replied his voice barely above a whisper.

"Well to everyone else that doesn't have teleportation powers the drawbridge is down so let's get in and get the scepter." Tony said.

Meanwhile Clark was making his way through the facility sticking to using a knife to take out any guards and Hydra personnel to keep his presence a secret. That is until he ran into a woman who looked to be close to his age with red hair.

"You seem different. You aren't dressed like all of the other soldiers, you sure you work with them?" Clark said to the woman.

"You're right I'm not like the others." She replied as red energy began swirling in her hands.

"Great an enhanced...." Clark groaned before readying himself to fight her.

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