The fall of Specter

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Sentries swarmed the cathedral and the team jumped into action. The team worked tirelessly protecting the obelisk from the sentries as best they could. As they tirelessly fought against the swarm one of the sentry bots had gotten to the obelisk and activated it. The ground began to shake as powerful jet thrusters deep underground activated and slowly began to lift the city into the air.

"SHIT!" Clark cussed as he barely dodged a piece of debris that had fallen off the roof of the cathedral.

"Isn't this what we were just talking about not letting happen?!" Nat said as she destroyed the sentry.

"Well great, things just got a lot more complicated." Tony groaned.

"Exactly what we need. A murderous robot is on the loose, he has an army of robots just like him, and half of a city is now an island flying in the sky." Clint remarked.

"We need a plan of action. There are still so many people that didn't get out of the city in time." Wanda noted.

"Working on it." Steve replied. "Clark do you think you could teleport everyone back down to the ground?"

"Not at this altitude, people would still end up hurt. Besides, it'd take me at least half an hour to get even ten people down, which at that point this island will probably be high enough to drop." Clark answered.

"Damnit!" Steve cursed.

"Woah you kiss your mother with that mouth rogers?" Tony teased.

"Now is not the time Tony." Steve snapped.

"What about the Quinjet?" Thor asked.

"Too far away, we'd never get to it in time." Steve answered.

"So what this is it? This is how we die? To be honest I thought it'd be a little less anti-climatic. Like in some big war that decides the fate of the universe or something." Clark said.

"Well this isn't the worst place to die. I mean where else can you get a view like this?" Nat said looking out at the surprisingly beautiful skyscape.

"Well the view is about to get a lot better Romanoff." Fury came over their comms system.

The group looked to the horizon to see a smaller version of the helicarrier coming into view.

"Fury you beautiful son of a bitch." Steve remarked with a smile.

"I didn't think you liked that kind of language Rogers." Fury joked. "Alright I'm sending out lifeboats with a few ground teams. Get everyone you can onboard and take out the rest of the robots." He ordered.

With a renewed sense of hope the Avengers jumped into action once again, finding any city folk that weren't able to evacuate before the jets activated and sent them towards the lifeboats. As they fought Tony stayed behind at the cathedral to analyze the obelisk further and figure out a way to deactivate it before Ultron could drop the city.

"I've got to fly beneath the city, gonna need someone to protect the obelisk!" Tony shouted over their comms.

"Wanda and I will handle it!" Pietro offered.

Wanda gave her brother a look before reluctantly allowing herself to get picked up and whisked away towards the cathedral. Tony took off when the twins arrived and they got to work destroying any rogue robots that tried to get to the obelisk.

"That was the last one for now. Go join the others and help them get people onto the lifeboats. Once the city is evacuated come back for me. Understood?" Wanda ordered her sibling.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be left alone. You could get overwhelmed by a hoard of robots." Pietro voiced his concern to his sister.

Without looking Wanda caught a robot with her telekinesis and ripped it in half.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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