Specter VS. Hulk

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Clark's lungs burned as he ran, using the holo computer in his suit he searched up any news feeds or articles with the keywords of 'hulk' and 'giant green man'. To his horror there was a live news cast that showed Bruce rampaging through the nearby city of Johannesburg, bringing down buildings, turning houses and shops into piles of rubble, and worst of all killing civilians. He was the only one not affected by Wanda's mind games and despite the fact his head was still in pain he charged on teleporting as often as he could to get to the city faster.

Eventually he reached the almost wasteland city and spotted Hulk up ahead. He pulled out his guns and fired them gaining the green monster of rage's attention. Now he was regretting his decision as Hulk glared at him.

"Why don't you fight someone of your own caliber?!" Clark shouted.

Hulk roared as he charged towards Clark quickly closing the distance.

"Shit." Clark said as he watched the giant run towards him.

He raised his guns once more firing as quickly as he could. He knew his guns wouldn't do much against Hulk but they were at least keeping the attention on him instead of the civilians. Hulk curled his hand into a fist and went to punch Clark but the younger teleported away before the giant hand could make contact. Once he reappeared he opened fire once again and the battle turned into a game of what could be whack a mole, and unfortunately for Clark he was the mole and if he got hit he would definitely die.

"Shit!" Clark said as he realized his guns had run out of ammo.

He reached into one of the pockets on his suit to grab another magazine only to grimace as he realized he had used all of his ammo in the fight against Ultron and his Bots in the warehouse and he no longer had any magazines for his pistols.

"I knew I should have brought my semi automatic." He sighed as he threw his guns to the ground.

What was once a battle was now a fight for survival as the young agent ran for his life from the angry Hulk. The two ran all throughout the city, Clark constantly teleporting to evade the many attacks from his assailant. Much to his dismay he was slowly getting more and more tired but that didn't matter. He needed to stay alive, he needed to get Bruce out of the city and keep the civilians safe.

"You know running isn't gonna do anything against him right?" Tony said as he flew in next to Clark.

"Oh but your clunky suit will?" Clark replied.

"Not this one. I'm calling in Veronica." Tony said.

From a satellite in the upper atmosphere parts of a new suit Tony had been working on deployed, multiple parts surrounded Hulk and encased him in an electrified prison while others connected to Tony's suit matching the size of the green beast it was designed to fight.

"I'll take it from here, kid. You work on getting any nearby civilians out." Tony said as the two watched the cage that held Hulk inside dent and break apart as he escaped.

Clark nodded as he teleported away and began evacuating the city. Once everyone in the immediate vicinity was evacuated Clark watched the fight between Tony in his 'hulkbuster' armor as he liked to call it and The Hulk from a distance ready to jump in if need be, even if all he could do was teleport Tony out of there.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep." Tony frantically said as he repeatedly punched Hulk trying to knock him out.

To everyone's displeasure Hulk spit out one of his teeth snarling as he did.

"Oh great you just pissed him off even more!" Clark exclaimed.

"Crap." Tony said as Hulk punched him away.

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