Sokovia takes flight

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Okay so I forgot to write in the last like chapter or 2 and I'm too lazy to go back an edit it so let's just say I did actually write the scene where Nat is taken by Ultron while the avengers were getting the cradle. M'kay? M'kay.


The tower was chaos, then again when was it not. Though this time the chaos was different. Tony and Bruce were trying to locate Ultron while simultaneously trying to run many tests and diagnostics on the vision. Sure they created him but just how he came to be was perplexing to the two scientists. His creation was fast tracked by lightning created by a magical hammer wielded by an alien god, what affects that could've possibly had on the vision was still a mystery.

Steve was in the training room, punching away at a punching bag which at the current rate Steve was attacking it, it wasn't going to last much longer. It wasn't often the old soldier would let himself go numb while training but when he did it was very hard to get him out of the "trance" he would put himself into.

Thor was around but no one really paid him much mind as he did request to be left alone so he could comprehend some information he had just learned. At least that's what he said and who were the others to try and stop him. It was a bad idea to anger or annoy a god, especially one with dominion over lightning and a hammer that he could easily drop on you and leave there until he decided to pick it up again.

Wanda and Pietro were keeping to themselves. Standing close to each other as they watched everyone with tentative eyes. They were still nervous about working with the avengers, especially Tony. One couldn't exactly forgive the man who created the bombs that killed their parents and many of their friends just because suddenly they have a common goal and enemy. While she knew it wouldn't take much to convince Pietro that Tony wasn't a bad guy and that the bombings weren't entirely his fault, Wanda wanted a personal apology from him and she would wait forever to get said apology, even if she got it on her death bed.

Clint on the other hand was busy trying to track down Natasha. Sure Tony and Bruce were trying to find Ultron and they would most likely have a better chance of pin pointing the robots location that way but if Clint knew Nat, and he did, she would find some way of letting the others know where she was. So he sat listening to radio chatter and old communications arrays trying to find a break in any signal or broadcast that could mean Nat was sending out a message.

An then there was Clark. Clark was down in the shooting range unloading magazine after magazine in an unrelenting torrent of bullet fire upon the target which was barely holding on with how many holes it had acquired from the assassins onslaught. While Steve's mind was blank only focusing on his punches, Clark's mind was once again racing.

*BANG* Ultron says he knows what I really am

*BANG* Wanda can't get into my head.

*BANG* I knocked the hulk out

*BANG* Am I really who I think I am?

*BANG* Was Ultron really telling the truth when he said there were no other records from when my mom was pregnant with me?

With every gunshot Clarks mind was filled with questions and statements and possible truths or lies or he didn't even know anymore. He huffed as he realized yet another gun was completely empty and he had no extra magazines. Heading over to the many ammo crates that lined the back wall he opened a couple and grabbed as many as he could carry before heading back to his stall. He continued doing this before Steve came in and stopped him.

"Clark, set the magazines down. You've been going back and forth for the past three minutes." Steve said grabbing the younger by the shoulders.

Clark looked over at his stall and saw the overflowing pile of different sized magazines for his array of guns and then the trail of ones that he had unknowingly dropped. He looked up at Steve and only then as he properly looked at the assassin did Steve see just how distressed Clark was, his heart ached as tears fell down his cheeks, cupping his cheeks with his hands Steve wiped the tears away with his thumbs trying to dry the brunette's eyes.

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