First Encounters

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Clark charged forward fist pulled back ready to attack the girl but before he could she raised her hand and a red energy enveloped his fist. He tried to move to no avail before getting thrown against the nearby wall.

"Telekinesis, great." Clark groaned as he got up.

He got into an offensive position again before charging towards her. He raised his leg to kick her but unsurprisingly she used her powers to stop his attack.

"See, if the punching didn't work, then why did you try kicking?" The redhead said before throwing Clark back again.

The brunette groaned as his body hit the stone floor with a thud. He took a moment to gather himself and ease the pain before standing up with an annoyed look on his face. Despite his annoyance he actually had a plan. In the small time he had spent fighting this woman he had gathered enough information on her to formulate a plan to take her out. She didn't know how to fight, she relied on her powers and ability to keep her opponents just out of close combat range to keep herself safe.

"Alright enough of this shit." He said before running towards her again.

She rolled her eyes raising her hands again ready to stop whatever attack he had planned, but to her surprise he teleported away before suddenly reappearing behind her. He delivered a swift yet powerful kick to her back knocking her down.

"You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve sweetheart." He said.

"I can't find the Scepter. Jarvis, you got anything on your scanners?" Clark asked.

"Scanners suggest the Scepter is hidden in a secret room in the facilities basement." Jarvis replied.

"I'll handle retrieving it, you and cap handle Strucker and his lackeys." Tony said as he flew by.

"What about-" Clark said, turning around only to find the woman he was fighting a couple minutes earlier gone.


Clark ran off to go find Cap to help take down any remaining Hydra soldiers and possibly even detain Strucker once and for all. Since the others were in the facility as well the element of surprise was lost so he decided there was no need to stick to his measly knife, so he pulled out his pistols and switched to more, gruesome, tactics to take out any people he came across. When he arrived in the main room he found Steve on the floor with a familiar red energy around his head and Strucker nowhere to be found.

"Cap, are you okay?" Clark asked.

"Yeah, turns out there's a second enhanced." Cap replied.

"I know. Now where's Strucker?" Clark asked.

"He's outside I think. I was gonna go after him but I had a little run in with the second enhanced. If you're going after Strucker, be careful she might be with him and she's a telepath." Cap said.

"Telekinesis." Clark responded before running off.

Clark ran outside and saw Strucker and a couple Hydra soldiers making their way for one of their trucks. He teleported to them and made quick work of the soldiers before stopping in front of Strucker at gunpoint stopping the scientist in his tracks.

"Wolfgang Von Strucker, by the authority of S.H.I.E.L.D I detain you and take you in for questioning." Clark said.

"Um, S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't exist anymore. I'm sure you remember the fight that was the battle at the Triskelion." Strucker annoyingly corrected.

"FINE. By the authority of the Avengers I detain you and take you in for questioning." Clark replied.

"I doubt you and you're little band of heroes have the right credentials to do that." Strucker stated.

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