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Maliah west

"Hey, guys." I waved at everyone as I walked into the dance studio. I forgot to tell you all but I do dance for my free time but I really work at a coffee shop.

Today I took the day off and decided to dance today with some of my friends that we all go way back since we were young.

"Hey bitch!" Mia said as she ran to me and hugged me as I giggled. "Girl, is been so long!" She muffled out as she buried her face into my upper chest.

"It's been 2 days Mia!" I squealed out and pulled away as she had a ear to ear smile plastered on her tan skin.

"I know! But we all missed you. You know your the best dancer here." Mia said as I started to walk to put my things away as I scoffed and sucked my teeth.

"Please, we all are equal." I stated as I took a sip of my water before turning the music on. Mia sighed happily and went her own way as I slightly turned up the music.

NaNa by Trey songs played making me squeal and turn up the music and stood infront of once.

"Just watch, okay." I said and quickly bent down to the beat and slowly got on all fours and arched my back before slowly going all the way down. In that position I looked out side the window to see Rex in a all black suit leaning on another black car with a cigar in his mouth.

I slowly moved my ass up and down before getting back into a squat and slowly ran my hands up my legs and slowly poked my ass out before standing fully up without looking at him.

I smiled as there eyes widen. "Go and head." I smiled as they practice which gave me the time to go outside to see Rex.

I was only in biker shorts and a gray tank top with my hair in it's natural state. "Don't tell me your stalking me." I crossed my arms over my chest and placed all my body weight on one of my legs.

"I so happen to be driving over here and I saw you dancing." He bluntly said as he blew the smoke out as he looked forward.

He had black sunglasses on and dressed in this black attire with his hair in a neat slick back but 2 pieces hanged over the front of his forehead.

"So you decided to get out your car and watch me?" I spat and he slowly looked over at me and took off his sunglasses showing me his icy blue eyes.

"Exactly." He whispered out making me roll my eyes. "Rex, or whatever, I don't know you, you don't know me. Let's keep it that way okay? Im not looking for a relationship." I quickly blurted out and turned on my heels to walk away but he stopped me.

"Im not here for a relationship, bellissima. I actually wanted to talk to about something important." He bluntly said making me turn on my heels and sigh.

"What is it?" I stated and he quickly leaned off the srt and opened the door and motioned for me to get in.

"Oh, no. I have a job, I'm teaching right now." I stated and he shrugged as he had the cigar in his mouth.

"Bye Rex." I rolled my eyes and turned around but I quickly felt a hand on my waist making me freeze.

"I'll pay you 4 thousand dollars right here right now if you come with me." He whispered in my ear as he stood behind me slightly leaving room between us.

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