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Maliah west

I fluttered my eyes open and noticed Rex wasn't in bed making me groan. I heard the bathroom door open and close making me look up to see Rex.

"I thought you left." I rasped out as he got into bed. "No baby, I'm right here." He softly said as I rested my head on his chest.

He instantly rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "How are you feeling?" He asked and to be honest I'm ready to give this pregnancy up.

"Terrible." I stated and he forced me to look up at him. "What can I do to not make you feel terrible?" He asked and I smiled.

"Staying in bed with me, cuddling." I stated before I sat between his legs and rested my whole face on his abs.

"So clingy." He stated while laughing. "Shut up you love my cuddles." I stated and he hummed before agreeing.

"Of course your hard, put it away." I said giggled. "It's a natural instinct with you around and especially when your sitting on my lap." He rasped as I bit my bottom lip.

He stared up at me before placing kisses all over my neck making me squeal.


Rex capo

"I thought we were leaving in the morning?" Nico said as I looked down at the club that Nico owns.

I turned around and leaned my back on the glass. "I thought I could... I can't. How would she react if I leave her without telling her. If I got to Italy, I'm going to be there for a long time." I lowly said as Nico ran his fingers through his hair.

"I chickened out too." Nico confessed as I sat down on his sofa. "I don't want to miss my baby's first steps, my baby first words, my baby  birth, my baby first kick." I stayed and he nodded.

"Maybe after the birth and a few months we can leave." Nico said and I shook my head. "You know my father is ready to get his revenge. If we go to Italy I'm taking Maliah. End of story." I spat and he looked up at me.

"You know that's risky, what happens if she gets hurt in the process." Nico said before taking down a big glass of vodka.

He was stressing about everything, so was I but I didn't want maliah to know.

"I'll take a bullet for that girl. I rather put her before myself Nico." I stated just as my phone rung.

I quickly took out my phone and answered it when it was Maliah. "Hey baby." I softly said as I looked at Nico who was downing the vodka.

"Hi, I just wanted to call and say that you got mail, want me to open it?" Her angelic voice asked and I hummed.

"Go in head, I'll be back soon okay?" I softly said. "Okay. I miss you and love you." She replied making me smile. "I miss you and love you more bambina." I said while smiling from ear to ear.

She hung up as I leaned my head back. I'm so in love with her, she doesn't know it. "Your so in love brother." Nico said making me look over at him.

"Very. That's why I can't leave her. Not while she's pregnant with our child." I said before placing my head in my hands.

"You know what. Tell her everything." He said and I quickly looked up at him and puckered my lips.

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