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Maliah west

I woke up to enzo door being banged on. I groaned and immediately felt like throwing up so I bolted to the guess bathroom and threw up.

"Who is it?" I heard Enzo say but there was no answer. The front door opened and I heard footsteps.

"Where is she?" Rex bluntly said as I threw up. He quickly rushed over to me and got on his knees and rubbed my back.

I groaned and wiped my mouth as I brushed past him to grab my tooth brush. I always keep my extra things here.

I brushed my teeth as he watched me intensely through the mirror. I washed my mouth as he wrapped his hand on my waist.

"Get off of me." I spat as I sighed from my morning sickness. I tried to brush him off of me but he tighten his grip and turned me around to kiss my belly.

I let him kiss my belly and hold onto my sides. He stood to his full height and cupped my cheeks.

"Baby..." he whispered as I looked away from him and shook my head. "Look at me." He quietly said and I did.

"I'm not cheating baby... you and our baby are my parities." He whispered and kissed my lips but I didn't kiss back making him frown.

I pouted and he quickly dragged his thumb along my lips. "Please believe me." He whispered and I sighed and shrugged.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed. "Can you come home please? I can't sleep without... your cuddles." He softly said making a small smile grow along my face.

"I thought you didn't like cuddles?" I tilted my head and he smiled. "I do with you." He whispered making me bite my bottom lip.

I slowly kissed him and he quickly held onto my ass and squeezed it as our kiss was passionate. His tongue and my tongue collided together making me moan.

He slowly pulled away as he looked down making me look down to see his hard. "Fuck." He whispered out as I slowly placed my palm on his erection.

"We're going home." He growled out.


He sloppily placed kisses all over my body making me moan as we stumble inside the house.

"I don't want sex Rex." I whispered and he quickly pulled away. "Why" he whined as he held onto my waist.

"Because I'm still mad at you and I want to buy our baby some clothes." I stated and he quickly looked down at me.

He digged in his pocket and pulled out his wallet and handed me his American Express card before kissing on my neck again.

"Stop it." I softly said and he did as he looked down at me. "What's the matter?" He tilted his head and I looked down at the card and back at him and he sighed.

"You overthink a lot babe. I trust you, spend how much you like." He softly said as he gently caressed my cheek with his large hand.

"You trust me?" I softly said and he nodded. "Why wouldn't I?" He said with a smile making me squeal and wrap my hands around his neck.

"Would you want me to come with?" He asked and I nodded my head. "If I have no limit, I'm going to need help." I stated and he chuckled.


I wore a sundress and sandals because Rex would kill me if I wore heels. "Love, are you okay?" He asked as he took off his black sunglasses as we walked the plaza that was filled with luxury brands.

"Yes I'm fine." I replied as I looked up at him and gave a reassuring smile. He stared at me a few more seconds before looking away and pulling me closer to him by my waist.

"Here." I quickly said and pulled his hand off my waist and went to the baby boutique. He chuckled as he quickly opened the door for me.

"Hi welcome in, if you need or see anything I'm right here." The sweet redhead women softly said and I gave a smile.

"Okay, thank you." I replied as Rex followed closely behind me. I scanned the small baby clothes that were so cute.

"Can we get this?" I asked Rex as I took the dress of the rack and held it up so rex can see. "Baby you don't ev-"

"That's a yes, thank you." I cut him off and gave a smile before turning around and looking for more girl things.

We came out with 2 big bags of clothes. "Baby, you realize if we don't have a girl we just wasted money right." He said as he carried the bags as I walked and scanned more shops.

I shrugged and he chuckled before smacking my ass making me jolt forward. "Not in public." I glared back at him and he squinted his eyes.

"I'm your boyfriend matter of fact our baby father. I can do whatever I want." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"You need more shoes instead of those dress shoes." I stated and he scoffed. "I have many pair. Each pair I have cost around 800 dollars." He tried to justify but I shook head.

"Yeah okay."  I softly said as I walked into Louis Vuitton for a new bag.


I did some damage to his card and weirdly he was happy about it. "Your happy but not happy that I spent 80k?" I weirdly asked as he drove with his ice cream in his hand.

I didn't want any but I was regretting not getting none. "I'm not mad...I'm just not satisfied. Atleast you could have spent 100k love." He stated as I focused on the road.

He slowly placed his ice cream into my view making me tilt my head. "You've been eyeing my ice cream, you can have it." He stated and I quickly took it and started to lick it making him chuckle.

"Thank you." I softly said and he hummed in response. "You know our year is almost us right." I reminded him and he groaned.

"And? Your carrying my child. I'm going to always be in your life." He stated as I looked over at him.

I looked away and he gently placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed making me look over to see him already glancing over at me.

"I love you, Liah." He softly said making me pout.

"I love you more." I repeated and gave a kiss on his cheek.


I cuddled with him as lifetime played which he found boring. I don't care he has to watch this with me.

He softly messaged my scalp as I rested my head on his muscular chest. I still didn't feel close enough to him.

"Your to far away." I stated making him look down in confusion. "Baby, I'm right here." He said with a smile but I shook my head and sat between his legs before laying the back of my head down on his chest as he wrapped his hands around my waist tightly.

"So warm." I softly said as he held onto my small poking out belly. He kissed the top of my head before I slowly dozed off.


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