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Rex capo

"Are you excited?" I asked as she looked around my private jet in amaze. She lowered her sunglasses slowly, "am I excited? That word can't even explain how I feel right now. This is my first time out of New York!" She confessed making me hum.

"Is that so?" I asked and she shook her head. "Well I'm going to change that. We have a year, all you have to do is ask if we can go somewhere and it's done." I rasped out as she took a picture and quickly sent it to Enzo.

She groaned in excitement and quickly turned to me and crossed her arms over her chest. She is so happy right now all she can do is look at me with a big beautiful smile.

I mirrored her smile making her look away and throw her head back before looking at me again. "What?" I asked and she shook her head nothing.

"Then why do you keep looking at me with that beautiful smile?" I asked and she shrugged and smiled again.

"I'm so happy I can't say nothing but look at you because how can I repay you?" She spluttered out but I shook my head.

"I don't want your repayment, you already paid me back by being my wife for a year." I softly said as I stroked her cheek making her lean into my touch.

"Thank you really." She softly said as we took off. I gave a smile before removing my hand from her face.

She is really a innocent, sweet soul when you don't get her angry. I love when she gets angry because her nose flare up and down which I find cute.


Maliah promised that she was going to stay awake but we're only 4 hours in and she's already sleep.

She rested her head on my shoulder which I knew she didn't find comfortable so I told one of my men to grab me a pillow so I could place on my lap for her.

I gently stroked her hair making her lightly moan. Her moan was like music to my ears, I couldn't imagine how she sounds in bed.

Soft snores left her nose which I found kind of cute. I never use the word cute but around her everything she does and her looks are just everything.

My phone rung startling maliah causing her to wake up. She groaned and sat up leaving my lap cold.

"Everything is fine. Principessa, lay down." I quietly said and she quickly Laid back down on my lap but removed the pillow causing her to lay right on my bare lap.

She knows what she's doing.

I answered the phone. "Yo, Rex. Your going to Monaco right?" Nico said and I hummed a yes. "Why, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Your not going with Maliah right?" He asked again making me furrow my eyebrows. "Speak, Nico." I quietly said trying not to wake up Maliah.

"She's there." He bluntly said making me groan out. "Your serious?" I asked. "Positive."

"Alright, thanks for informing me." I lowly said before hanging up.

This is going to be a hell of a trip.


Maliah west

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