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Rex capo

It was 6 in the morning. Both of my girls are sleep. Well, Zemora did wake up when I walked in her room but all she needed was a bottle and some affection and she was out like a light.

After me and Liah got done with sex yesterday she immediately went to sleep. I would too if I had 7 orgasms.

Not to mention my back and neck covered in deep scratches which made me satisfied. I'm still smiling from yesterday.

Her screaming my name over and over.

I scrambled eggs, cooked turkey bacon, toast, pancakes and a fruit salad.

I fixed up everything and placed everything individually on the island as I hummed a song that my mother used to sing to me which now Im singing to Zemora.

Light foot steps caught my attention. I snapped my head over to see Maliah hair shot out, in my oversized t shirt that dropped to her knees.

I chuckled one she held herself up with the table. "Good morning, love." I softly said and she groaned in response.

"Tired?" I asked as I placed the scrambled eggs on a plate. "What do you think babe? Sex for 8 hours!" She tiredly said and I laughed.

"Not funny." She stated and I glanced over at her to see her looking at my back. "Like what you've done with my back?" I asked and she shook her head yes.

I winked at her as she stood to her full height and slowly walked over to me. Her legs were slightly shaking making me chuckle.

I placed everything down and went to approach her and take her by her waist tightly. I removed one hand off her waist and onto her soft cheek.

"Whatever you do, don't look in the mirror." I whispered and she quickly pushed me off of her and slowly approached the mirror.

She's going to flip about her hair being half way straight and half of it in it's natural state. She looked in the mirror and her eyes instantly shot wide.

Her jaw dropped low as she slowly looked over at me as I gave a smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your face Rex." She spat as she touched her slightly natted hair.

She's upset, she called me by my name. "Baby, don't be upset." I whined and hugged her from behind.

"I'm not mad, babe." She softly said before turning over to me and jumping on me. I wrapped my hands around her lower ass as I stared into her beautiful brown eyes that showed joy.

"I'm a capo! How could I be mad?" She giggled out and showed me her rock making me smile. "You like it?" I asked and she instantly nodded her head.

"It's beautiful, it's really a rock." She whispered in disbelief. "You deserve that rock. A rock for a beautiful queen." I softly said and she looked at me before pouting.

"Your so- ugh, I love you." She quickly said before smashing her lips onto mine leaving me no time to respond back.

I chuckled and kissed her back.


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