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Rex capo

If felt so good to be back. To see my girls. Zemora looks just like me, her blue eyes, her long eyelashes, my color hair, her nose, I mean she was my twin.

Maliah, oh maliah. How I missed her.

Maliah opened her legs wide as I lined myself up with her entrance. "Did you get bigger?" She exclaimed and I shook my head no.

"If it hurts just tell me to stop." I softly said and she nodded and she bit her bottom lip. I slowly entered my tip into her and lord was she tight.

Almost as tight when she was a virgin. She whined and slapped my pelvis as she shut her eyes.

I entered myself out of her and she quickly opened her eyes. "Did I tell you to exit out of me?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You slapped my-"

"I didn't tell you to stop, stop going soft on me you know I like it rough and hard!" She exclaimed loudly making me raise my eyebrows from how demanding she became.

I quickly entered her fully making us both moan at the same time. Her moan was like a scream like and mine was more like satisfaction.

"So fucking wet and tight baby." I whispered as she digged her nails into my back. I did hard and slow thrust making her moan with each trust I did.

"You've gotten bigger you lier." Maliah stammered as I rested my head beside hers as she held onto my waist.

"I'm clearly not fucking you like that because your still talking." I gritted before I slammed my hips into her fastly making her scream and moan repeadly.

Her long nails dragged along my back up and down making me groan. Her ass slapped against my pelvis repeadly making it fill the room.

"I like everything you've done-" I started to say but she quickly flipped me over and rode me making my mouth hang.

She took off her shirt and tossed it as her breast sprung free. "You feel so good in me." She seductively said as my hands went to her ass but she grabbed them and forced me to cup her breast.

I held her breast and squeezed them making her moan and look back. "You've made everything gold and white I like it." I spluttered as she slammed down harder each time making me slightly raise up from how pleasurable it was.

"You like it?" She bit her bottom lip as she moved forward and backwards. I nodded my head as I felt her clinch around me making me moan loudly.

"Your so sensitive now." She said with a smile but then her eyes rolled in the back of her head once I thrusted into her.

"I haven't came in 5 months baby." I spluttered as she screamed and wrapped her hands around my neck tightly.

"What happened to the other months?" She struggled to say as her juices flowed out of her. "I found a picture of you in my phone and I may have came to it." I confessed and she giggled before sucking on my neck that was aching for her marks.

I groaned as I felt my climax coming. "Come for me, Rex!" She whispered in my ear softly making me moan.

Everything she did turned me so hard. I slammed my hips into her fastly before my strokes slowed and became sloppy.

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