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Maliah west

We came back from Italy yesterday and I loved it. The food was amazing so was the gelato ice cream.

Rex is in his office working while I'm on my phone scrolling through videos. As I scrolled I stopped at a particular dancing video that caught my eye.

I wanted to try it out.

I propped my phone up on the vase on the island and played earned it by The Weeknd. I slowly raised my hands up my thighs and swayed my hips to the slow beat.

I turned around and repeated my steps and raised up to see Rex approaching me. I quickly froze and grabbed my phone but he quickly picked me up from behind making me squeal.

"Give me your phone." He softly said and I shook my head. "No," I said as I tried to place the videos in my drafts but he quickly snatched my phone and deleted the video as he placed me down making me huff out.

I crossed my arms as he handed me my phone. He dragged a chair in the open space of our living room and sat down as Earned it starting playing out of no where.

"You want to dance. Dance." He gritted out as he lowered his eyes. "I don't want to dance anymore." I spat as my foot tapped to the beat.

Rex opened his legs and leaned back in the chair. "Dance, love." He bluntly said as he looked into my eyes.

I shook my head no and he quickly stood up and grabbed me by my shirt and placed me in the chair making me squeal.

He slowly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his tattoos and defined chest making me gulp and close my legs.

"Come on love, dance." He whispered as he looked down at me. "You know I really thought you were going to turn into a magic mike dancer." I said with a smile and he through his head back as he chuckled showing his adams apple.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He replied and bit his bottom lip. I gave a smile and pulled him between my legs. He gently stroked the back of my neck as I dragged my freshly done French tips along his defined chest.

He grabbed my hand making me look up at him confusingly. He picked me up and walked us over to the couch.

He gently placed me on the couch and leaned his head back. "I've been lying to you." He deeply said and looked into my eyes making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean, Rex?" I asked as he ran his hands through his hair. "Would you like to see for yourself." He quietly said and I gulped.

"I don't know if I should be scared or not." I quietly said and he looked over at me. "Both." He bluntly said before taking my hand as he leaded me towards his office.

He rolled his neck as he opened his office that I've never been into. The smell of smoke filled my nose.

"Rex capo." I spat and took my hand out his hold as he locked the door behind us. "You can be afraid but what I've done was when I was younger but it's coming back to me." He quietly said as he opened his bookshelf revealing another door.

I stood in shock as the door opened. He tilted his head to come and I shook my head no. "No Rex." I stammered and he quickly grabbed my hand softly as I looked at the room filled with guns and a black crown in the middle of everything.

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