Chapter Three

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Sometimes the days weren't that hard.

It wasn't like before, obviously, but he could bear the people he was around and interacting with them wasn't so strenuous.

Mr. Aizawa never barred him from training and no one else knew about his mom's passing, so he figured he was in the clear for a little while longer.

Today, thankfully, his feelings weren't all over the place. He wasn't angry or upset. He was just a little sad every time his mom came to mind, but it wasn't overwhelming. There was also that dull ache in his arms and shoulders that was really getting annoying.

So even though Sero and Mina were back again with their passive aggressiveness, he didn't even bat an eye.

"So did you guys decide on a place to eat?" Mina asks.

It's lunch and even though Bakugo usually doesn't sit with them, he did today. It's been a good day, so he decided a little bit of social interaction was okay.

He didn't know what Mina was talking about, but the peek that Mina took at him let him know it was intentional. They planned something without him and she was being a bitch about it.

Honestly, what was more annoying about Sero and Mina being so loud, was that the others were too quiet.

No one ever included him even though they could have.

They want to seem like the good guys, but not saying anything and just letting it happen is just as bad. It's not even bullying, it's just straight up being assholes.

"Oh, wait Bakugo, did you want to tag along? You can come if you want," Sero says like he's being generous.

"Sure. When?"

He knows they don't want him to go and if he's being honest, he doesn't want to go either, but he can give them a miserable time. Might as well, right? It could be fun to look at their annoyed faces all night.

"Friday, you'll really come?" Kirishima immediately intervenes, smile stretching across is face in excitement.

Friday is when he goes to visit his mom.


"Right after school," Mina says. She says it like he knows he definitely can't go since it's right after school. What the fuck?

"I'm busy then," he says and goes back to eating his food.

"Oh, come on, we can move it to six," Jiro says, leaning forward.

Mina scoffs and glares at her. "No we can't. We have a curfew."

Kirishima looks at her with a hint of anger.

"Curfew is later on Fridays. Plus, we always come back way earlier than the curfew, so starting a bit later won't be that bad. It doesn't matter what we do," the redhead says.

Bakugo honestly doesn't care enough to fight anyone on this. He's just not missing seeing his mom on Friday. No matter what.

"Yeah, so you'll come, right?" Kaminari asks Bakugo, wiggling in his seat way too much.

Bakugo nods as he drinks his tea, agreeing to go. It kind of hurts just holding the cup, so he sets it down and hides his hands under the table to massage them in secret.

"Where?" He asks, noticing that no one ever said a place.

"This laser tag place that's been around for forever," Kaminari answers, obviously excited.

The chat continues like normal except that Bakugo can see the annoyed faces of Mina and Sero out of the corner of his eye.

Stupid assholes.

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