Chapter Six

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Seeing his mom later on that day was the only thing keeping Bakugo going.

He'd have to cancel with his friends at lunch so that they would still have time to talk about going earlier in the day now that he wasn't going. They could go at the original time they'd discussed.

He wouldn't be disrupting their initial plans.

It was good, right?

Sure, he might be letting them down, but he doesn't think he can hang out with Sero like that now that the other teen knows about his mom's passing. He might say something about it and that's definitely the last thing Bakugo wants.

He sighs. He's feeling that weird feeling today.

The feeling where he's a little freaked out about himself, but doesn't care enough to get help.

He can't remember if he showered this morning or if he ate breakfast. He doesn't feel hungry, but it's not like he feels fed.

It's that same feeling he gets when he stops realizing what he's doing, but can remember everything he learned in class. Like, he knows when ceramics became a main art form in Japan.

He can remember what the rules of semicolons in English are.

But he can't, for the life of him, remember if he even brushed his teeth. His mouth feels gross and when he looks down at his shirt, almost halfway through the school day, he notices that some of the buttons are not buttoned and his shirt is somewhat uneven.

That makes him close his blazer just a bit more, and he looks around at the class to make sure no one is looking at him.

He feels stupid when he sees that no one is.

A quick look at the time tells him that lunch is soon. Just a bit closer to seeing his mom.

By the time he focuses on the worksheet in front of him again, which, by the way, is ninety-eight percent complete- when he did all that? He doesn't know- the bell for lunch rings, and everyone gets up, heading for the lunchroom.

It's overwhelming with all the sudden noise and people passing him. His friends call him over and he gets up, not even capable of putting up an annoyed act.

Like he said, he's worried about himself, but he doesn't really care enough to tell anyone about it. Doesn't care enough to try and fix it.

People will just end up pitying him, and that's the last fucking thing he wants. Sero shoots him a few looks, but he ignores them, pretends he doesn't see it.

It's when they sit down, that Bakugo actually sees what he got to eat.

He doesn't care, really. Doesn't even think he can actually eat right now. There's this lump in his throat that makes him feel choked up. Just the thought of eating makes him want to walk away.

While his friends talk, he starts pushing around his food. Just an excuse to not have to pitch in. It's peaceful for a while before Bakugo realizes that he'll have to cancel on them now. Fuck, did he even prepare what his excuse was?

No he didn't and now he doesn't know what to say. Maybe something about his dad would work.

He doesn't really know how to just cut in and say that he can't go today after school to hang out, feeling a little awkward as he thinks about when to do so.

The problem is that Mina won't shut the fuck up.

Mina has really pissed him off recently so he won't feel bad if he interrupts her.

So he does.

"Then he just decided to-"

"I can't make it to the shitty laser tag thing today," he says, voice able to cut through Mina's and make them pay attention to him.

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