Chapter Seven

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Forcing Sero to show up at his room at midnight probably sounds stupid, but Bakugo needs to talk to him now because the others are being too weird.

So once he has the tape user in his room, he glares at him and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I told you not to tell anyone if you wanted me to forgive you or whatever. What kind of bullshit are you playing at?"

Sero visibly recoils at the accusation.

"Woah, what? I haven't told them. I swear, they're just worried about you. Have been since before, you know, back when I was being an asshole to you not even a month ago?"

Bakugo's scoffs. "Yeah I'm just supposed to believe that you magically stopped hating me and didn't go out and tell them?"

Bakugo can't even say it out loud. That his mom is dead. He hates it.

Sero sags at the question. "I see why you wouldn't believe me, but I didn't tell them. I actually want you to forgive me. At the very least I want to make it up to you, even if you don't forgive me. Blabbing about something you told me not to isn't gonna help me."

Bakugo is tired of this. Is he trying to use reverse psychology?

Does he think Bakugo is stupid? Gullible?

Bakugo doesn't know and that's what's driving him fucking insane at the moment.

"If you didn't tell them then why are they being all weird?" The idiots are all acting like they know something and it's stressing Bakugo the hell out.

Sero just looks at him with a bored expression. "Wow," Sero starts sarcastically, "I can't believe that the nicest human on earth, Kirishima, is worried about you."

Before Bakugo can even get anything out, Sero gasps dramatically, "Or Kaminari. How could he possibly think something was going on with you? It's not like you're being completely obvious."

"Or Jiro," he yells, "It's crazy how she can be just as observant!"

Then Sero stops acting and goes back to looking at Bakugo. "Should I continue or did you get it?"

"Alright, then tell me what they think they know. If it's not about what you know, then what do they think is going on with me?"

Sero makes a surprised face, but listens, plopping himself down on Bakugo's desk chair, facing Bakugo who just stands and waits for him to say something.

"They think you're mad at them and that you just got annoyed and want to pull away."

Bakugo's blood runs cold because- well, that's what he wanted. He wanted them to think he didn't want to be around them, so then why did it hurt that they did?

"What else?"

The other hums, thinking about it. "Oh, well, Kirishima and Kaminari are dead set that it's something else, but the way that you've been treating us isn't helping them defend you. They're kinda just banking on the fact that you wouldn't be so secretive about leaving the group. Saying you'd just be straightforward and end the friendship."

A wave of sadness washes over the blond as he thinks about how now he'd have to tell his friends straight out that he's over them.

He's not. He doesn't want to be, but as soon as they stop being friends, the less they'll hang out, which means the less he'll become attached, so when the inevitable happens and they die, Bakugo won't get hit as hard with the feeling of grief.

"Okay, leave." And without another word, Bakugo just goes over to his door and opens it, motioning for Sero to leave.

Hell, Bakugo didn't want him here to begin with.

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