Chapter Eight

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Turns out, Todoroki loved Bakugo's mochi. He'd taken a bite, frowned at the texture he didn't expect, and then as he kept chewing, his eyes widened and he nodded in approval to Bakugo.

Then he tried the regular strawberry mochi and then the matcha, and, yeah, Bakugo knew he wouldn't like the matcha one.

So it's been days since he made the mochi and since Todoroki finished up the last of it last night, he's begging Bakugo to make more. On the way to lunch, he uses the excuse that he doesn't want to be badgered by Todoroki to avoid eating with his friends and darts outside when he knows no one is around.

His friends don't completely buy it, it's obvious in their expressions, but he keeps up the act. That way he seems more genuine.

What's been on his mind lately is how he's going to straight out tell his friends he doesn't want to be around them anymore. Sero said it himself that the reason they keep inviting him to stuff and bothering him is because they don't believe he'd try to slip away from them. He has to tell them himself.

It's going to be hard, but he has to do this.

He'll do it soon. This week soon. Maybe on Wednesday or Thursday?

He doesn't know yet, but he's looking forward to tomorrow. He's skipping school to be with his dad all day at work. He'd told Bakugo right after they talked about it and told him he'd pick him up outside the gates of UA.

Bakugo's excited, actually. He hasn't seen his dad in a while and he misses him so much. He wonders if his dad misses him. He hasn't really reached out recently, but it's okay. Tomorrow is going to be great since they're spending the day together.

At the thought, Bakugo smiles as he sits down under a tree.

It's large enough that if he sits on the side where he can't see the windows, people won't know he's there. It's great, and although it's getting colder out, which Bakugo doesn't really like, he finds himself enjoying it somewhat.

His mom loved the cold.

Loved forcing Bakugo to make her gingerbread. To make Bakugo help decorate the tree every year, and no matter what, Bakugo had to put the star on the tree. No exceptions.

Bakugo's heart warms at the memory of her telling off her sister one year because they'd had family over one time while they were decorating. His aunt had a three year old and had already been carrying her kid to put the star on their tree.

His mom had snatched the star away from the three year old, causing the thing to burst out in tears as his aunt scoffed at Mitsuki.

"She's the youngest here, she's supposed to put the star on the tree."

"Not in my house. Katsuki, get over here."

And his aunt argued, saying how unfair it was that the thirteen year old boy was going to put the star on the tree when her daughter wanted to do it.

"Then let her do it at your house."

Bakugo smiles at the memory of her words, letting out a huff of laughter as he messes with the grass on the ground.

"That's ridiculous, Mitsuki, I was already lifting her to do it for you."

He remembers the twitch in his mom's eye. She'd already been holding back and trying to be patient with her sister, but her words were annoying all of them.

"I don't give a shit. Katsuki puts the star on the tree every year because I said so. It's my fucking house so I don't give a fuck if your daughter wanted to do it. My son wanted to do it, too, and it's my house so I get to choose who does it and I choose my son."

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